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One That Got Away Page 10

  “Did he just say what I think he did?” said Saks. “That Aces set him up?”

  “Sure sounds like it and it makes sense.”

  “I find it hard to believe,” said Saks.

  “Listen up, Saks. Gibs, here, was arrested Monday night doing an errand for Aces. Now Gibs is on the hook for drug possession with intent to sell.”

  Saks sat back with a look of shock on his face.

  “You still think Aces is a stand-up guy, either one of you?”

  Gibs shook his head. “Not in my book.”

  Saks sighed. “This is some serious shit.”

  “It gets deeper. I think the reason why Gibs got pulled over is that some informant from the Rojos called it in. I think they did this because they don’t want to get cut out of the Hombres drug business. Aces got us all in a ton of shit because he is trying to expand National’s business in our territory. Right now, all of us are bulls-eyes for the Rojos.”

  “And you think Aces set up Okie because Okie was trying to stop him?”

  “Yes. That is the only thing that makes sense.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “I’m not sure. This is bigger than the local cops can handle. Hombres and Rojos spread across many states.”

  “And we don’t even have solid evidence,” said Gibs.

  “Yeah, cops can come up with their own innuendo and accusations, but they won’t listen to other people’s no matter how much sense it makes.

  “Saks,” continued Luke. “I want you to get on the phone tonight and make other arrangements to store people’s bikes in the garage behind the store. Call the owners, and tell them we’ll put them somewhere else for now, or they can pick them up.”

  “Why, boss?”

  “Because any property on mine is subject to seizure by the government if they should make a case against me. I don’t trust Aces and I don’t want my customers out their property should he pull some shit on me.”

  “Okay, boss. I’ll get right on it.”

  “Gibs, I want you to stay home. I’m shutting the business down so all of us can take a nice long vacation. You need to be the soul of discretion until your court case, so I don’t want to see you anywhere but in your backyard or your house, no matter who calls you.”

  “Okay, Luke.”

  “Call me tomorrow, eh?”


  “And thanks for helping me get this place straightened out.”

  “No problem,” said Gibs.

  “Anytime,” added Saks.

  “Now, hate to cut this short but I’ve got some thinking to do.”

  “Sure. Thanks, man,” said Gibs.

  “Later,” said Saks.

  “And don’t talk to any cops, either of you. By tomorrow, I’ll have representation and then the cops can go through the lawyer.”

  His employees left, leaving Luke alone with his thoughts. They were in a world of shit generated by a man who didn’t understand the shady underpinnings of Connecticut gangs. These thugs were among the most ruthless of all of the gangs. Killing leadership was done without hardly any provocation. Lil’ Ricki must think himself lucky to have concrete walls and barbed wire between him and his club.

  There was no way the Rojos would tolerate any club cutting in on their business. The problem was convincing the Rojos Hades’ Spawn had no interest in doing that. And for that to happen, Aces, and possibly Wolf and Dagger, would have to be tossed from the club. The trouble was, for that to happen he’d have to get a consensus from the other members, and as far as he knew, they didn’t have a clue about what was going on.

  He pondered the problems putting bits together. Somehow, he’d have to get the Rojos and possibly the Hombres behind the idea that Hades’ Spawn was no threat. But to do that he’d have to find out which Hombres member was looking to exploit the Spawn. Luke didn’t like that idea at all. Poking into Hombres business was dangerous. But there was more than one danger than the Latin gangs. The police were a wild card, a threat as potent as the Rojos. He dialed his business lawyer.

  “Stone,” answered the lawyer.

  “Hey, Matt. Luke Wade. I need a referral.”

  “What kind of referral?”

  “A criminal lawyer. Know any good ones?”

  “I know a couple.”

  “I need an appointment tomorrow.”

  “Okay, I’ll make some calls for you.”

  “Thanks. And I need some changes to my will.”

  “Changes? Wait. What’s going on Luke?”

  “I want to make sure some people are taken care of.”

  Stone listened patiently as Luke outlined the changes in his will.

  “Okay, I’ll draft it and FedEx it to you for your signature.”


  “I’ll call you with the appointment.”

  “Thanks, Matt.” Luke was under no illusions. He was playing with fire so hot he could go up in flames. The only other option he had was to run; leave his business behind and go somewhere else. But that would mean he’d forsake the life he built and the friends he made. And Emily? She was so deep into her family, she’d never leave them, and he wouldn’t ask her to. Not that he didn’t love her, but because he did. He couldn’t ask her to leave everything and everyone she loved behind just for him.

  Except Luke couldn’t make that decision now. He just had to see if he could work things out. Leaving would be plan B if what he had in mind didn’t work.

  He looked at the time on his phone. It was well after four and he expected Emily back long before that. Luke dialed her number, but there was no answer. His anxiety shot through the roof now. He should have gone with her to make sure she was okay.

  There was a knock on the door, and when he opened the door, Emily rushed in his arms. He barely got the door shut before she peppered him with kisses, then finally claimed his mouth.

  She melted into him, holding onto his neck and thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Luke pushed her against the wall and his crutches fell away. He didn’t know who was holding up whom but he didn’t care. His hands travelled down to her perfect round cheeks and he grabbed them and crushed her hips into his. Her sleeveless dress had little buttons down the front so flimsy that he was able to pull them off with his teeth. Soon, the top of the dress opened and he attacked her breasts. He pulled away a second to slide the arm holes off her arms. Her chest heaved as he reached around and unsnapped her lacy bra, freeing the creamy globes. Luke buried his face in her chest, loving her scent and the softness of her skin. He gripped one breast from underneath and squeezed it, popping her pink nipple forward. He fell on the tender flesh, sucking the nipple into his mouth. She arched her back and pressed her hips into his erect shaft. They both groaned together, and Luke rubbed his cock against her mound.

  “Oh fuck, Luke.”

  Her hands fumbled on the waistband of his shorts, and Luke took a free hand to push them down. Then he pulled at her flimsy thong and yanked, tearing it off her.

  “Luke! Those were expensive.”

  “I’ll buy more,” he growled. “Turn around.”

  Emily faced away from him.

  “Put your hands on the wall,” he ordered in a sexy voice. As she did, he reached for her folds and found them drenched. At his discovery, he pressed his cock between her butt cheeks. “Want me?” he whispered. His heart hammered in his chest. Luke’s worry for her during the day flamed his desire for her to wild and unstoppable heights.

  “Yes,” she whispered hoarsely.

  He didn’t have to ask. He knew it, but he liked hearing her say it. With his hands he pinched her nipples hard until she drew a sharp breath. “I can’t wait to have you,” he said as he pressed harder against her. “And I’m not going to.”

  “Then don’t.” She moaned, her fingernails scraping along the wall.

  “Spread your legs.”

  He lined his shaft to her channel and sunk in slowly. Emily gasped as he slid into his balls. “Ready?” He knew she was.

  “Fuck me.”

  Luke didn’t have to be told twice, but the way she swore at him, he couldn’t stop himself. He pressed his shaft back and forth, the intensity of his thrusts rising.

  Emily trembled against him. “Harder,” she gasped.

  He sunk himself into her over and over, his need for her a runaway train. He grasped her around the waist and pulled her toward him roughly, laying his head against her back. He could hear her heart pounding, and her channel clenched, as her heat and her wetness pulsed around him.

  Emily gave a strangled cry. “Again. Again,” she repeated as he throbbed inside of her.

  Fire lit Luke at her words and he pulled out and shot his load, painting her back in white streaks. “Oh, fuck.”

  “What?” Emily looked over her shoulder, her eyes half closed as she panted.

  He turned her around pressed his lips against hers. “I wasn’t wearing a condom, baby.”

  Her eyes flew open. “Crap. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “I did, baby. I always put you first. Always.”

  “Well, you better, because my wardrobe isn’t going to last long like this.” She grinned and rotated her hips against him.

  Luke leaned against her, thinking that all he needed was her next to him always. He sighed. He didn’t know how that was going to work out.

  She ran her fingers in his hair. “What’s going on, Luke? Are you okay? Is your leg hurting?”

  “I suppose.” He wasn’t thinking about his leg. “Em?”

  “Yes, Luke?”

  “We have to talk.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Wrapped in Luke’s robe after she had taken a shower, Emily sat down on the bed where Luke lay stretched out. He had propped pillows behind him and made a spot for her beside him.

  “How’s your leg doing?”

  “Sore,” he said, “but I’ll live.”

  “You were doing a bit more than that a few minutes ago.” She tried to sound stern but the corners of her mouth kept twitching upward.

  Luke smiled, but it was etched with worry. He moved his hand over hers, holding it lightly. “How did things go at court? Did you get the restraining order or do I need to have a little talk with your ex?”

  She liked his tough guy approach. Evan didn’t stand a chance against Luke, even with a hurt leg. “Good. I got the order.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “It took forever and then when Evan saw me, he went off. They had to arrest him again.”

  “Even better.” Luke’s brows crushed together. “He didn’t hurt you did he?”

  She shook her head. “There was a marshal holding him back. Evan didn’t stand a chance.” She decided not to tell him about how shaky she was after and how another marshal had to walk her to her car. Nor did she mention the pamphlet and her realization about her father. She would deal with each thing in steps. “What about you?” She glanced around. “It looks like you cleaned up the place. You were supposed to be resting.”

  Luke gave a shrug of his shoulder. “It was a busy day. That’s what I need to talk to you about.” He took a deep breath. “The police searched my apartment today.”

  Emily looked down at his hand holding hers. “Why’d they do that?”

  “Because they believe, with good reason, that members of Hades’ Spawn are running drugs.”

  “Are you involved with drugs, Luke?” She couldn’t believe she’d asked him straight out.

  “No.” He looked at her in surprise, but continued. “However, I found out that some of our members are.”

  Emily pursed her lips and looked at the wall. Everything Angela and Justin said was coming true. “Is there more to this?”


  “Then you shouldn’t tell me. When I was at the courthouse a detective stopped me at my car. He said some nasty things, Luke, and he seems to believe you’re involved with drugs and that I know all about it.”

  Luke pushed his body up to a sitting position. “What? Which detective? Do you remember his name?”

  She shook her head. “But he gave me his card.” She stood and got her purse and dug through it till she found the card. She handed it to Luke.

  “Anglotti,” hissed Luke.

  “You know him?”

  “He’s the asshole that tossed my apartment today.”

  “Tossed? Everything looks perfectly neat.”

  “That’s because I had a couple of my employees help me straighten it out. Believe me, everything was thrown around. Everything.”

  “Oh, Luke.”

  “It’s annoying. But what really pisses me off now is that he’s bothering you.”

  “My lawyer told me that associating with you weakens my case.” She figured she didn’t have much of a case left to fight after Evan’s outburst, but her charges with driving had nothing to do with Evan so she had to be careful.

  “He’s right.”

  “What’re we going to do?”

  “Emily, I have to do some things…” He ran his fingers through his hair, his face more serious than she had ever seen. “Some dangerous things to straighten this out. It might be best if we don’t see each other for a while.”

  A sob caught in her chest. “I don’t want to do that,” she whispered.

  “I didn’t want to say it. But you were right to stop me from telling you what’s happening. The less you know, the less the police can find out from you.”

  “This is so messed up.” She fought tears forming in her eyes.

  Luke reached and wrapped his arms around her. She laid her head on his shoulder. “Why does this have to be like this?” A tear slid down her cheek but she ignored it. “Why can’t we just be happy together? God must have it out for us.”

  Luke kissed her neck.

  “Baby. I’m no expert on God, but pretty much what I’ve seen tells me that it’s people who screw with each other, not God.”

  She settled under the crook of his arm. She thought about what he said. It felt like high school all over again, except this seemed to hurt a lot more. She finally had the courage to start making her own decisions in her life and it was as if life didn’t want them to be together. “I suppose you’re right. People have been messing with us since we met. And now…”

  “Hey, hey!” Luke lifted her chin. “The only ones that matter are you and me.”

  Emily bit her lip. “I want it to be like that.”

  “No good thing is easy, Em. We just have some challenges to overcome.”

  Emily sighed. “I don’t think we will ever have things easy for us.”

  Her phone rang. She ignored it and then thought she’d better check it. She reached over Luke to get her purse on the nightstand. It was her lawyer. “Hi, Justin.”

  “Hey. I got your message. What’s up, Emily?”

  “I got the restraining order.”

  “That’s good.”

  “But when I left the courthouse a police detective stopped me in the parking lot. He made some nasty accusations implying that I’m involved with drug running.”

  “What the heck? Where would he get that idea?”

  “Guess, Justin.”

  Justin was silent for some long seconds. “Are you still seeing Luke Wade?”

  “I’m at his apartment now.”


  “You don’t have to worry. Luke and I have been talking. We’ve both agreed we can’t see each other for a while. Or till at least everything smooths over.”

  “Good. That’s a smart decision.”

  “I just wanted you to know what happened.”

  “I’m glad you did. If Evan shows up or tries to contact you again you give him my number. After you call the police.”

  “I will.”

  “Are you going to be home soon?”

  “Not tonight, Justin.”

  Justin was quiet again. “Are you sure?”

  “It’s what’s going to happen. Goodnight, Justin.” Emily clicked
off the call.

  “Are you sure you want to stay?”

  “I want every moment I can get Luke, especially since I don’t know when I’ll see you again. I’ll tell you this; it won’t be another ten years.” She put her phone down and put her arms around Luke’s neck. She buried her face in his chest, breathing in deeply. Damn, he even smelled sexy. “If I had a choice, I’d never leave you again.” They were right for each other, no matter what the rest of the world thought.

  Luke chuckled. “Say that when we are eighty, gray and getting around in walkers.”

  “As long as you chase me with that walker, I wouldn’t care.”

  “I’ll do more than chase you. I’ll catch you.”

  “Not if I don’t catch you first.” Emily leaned into Luke hard, catching him off guard. He fell back onto the bed with a grunt. She attacked him with swift hungry kisses starting with his neck and working her way down his body. Luke’s skin was delicious after the sex they just had. It was salty and musky, especially when she dipped lower on his torso.

  His belly button earned special attention and he started laughing.

  “Mercy! Uncle! Help! I’m being attacked by an insatiable woman!”

  “Ticklish, ‘eh? Complain all you want, Luke Wade,” Emily said sternly. “You’ve had your way with me. Now I’ll have mine with you.”

  His face turned sexier as he stared at her. “Oh, has my good girl turned bad after one day in the courthouse?”

  “Maybe I’m good, or maybe I’m bad, or maybe it’s good to be bad.”

  “How can I know?” He smiled.

  “I guess we’ll have to see,” she said with a sly smile on her lips. Emily continued her downward trip, bringing her lips to Luke’s hardening shaft.

  “Uhhmm,” he said appreciatively. “That feels good.”

  Emily gave his flesh a long lick. “Tastes delicious.”

  “It gets better,” he says.

  “Says you. I’ll have to see for myself.”

  “I didn’t, ah, know you were such a Doubting Thomas.” His voice hitched as she licked the underside of his head.

  “You know what they say,” said Emily between licks. “Experience is the best teacher.”

  She covered the tip of his cock with her mouth. As the head slipped past her lips she became intoxicated with the feel of his hardening rod in her mouth. As she tongued the salty skin it grew rigid. His velvet skin felt like encased steel as she sucked him in, enjoying the taste and feel of his pulsing flesh. It touched the core of her to have such a direct effect on this sexy man. My man, she told herself.