Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Page 13
“Right, but are you missing out on the part where there are nonstop cat fights? I'm not so sure your rich, elderly golf patrons would much enjoy a cat fight.”
“Is that a joke? All men, no matter the age, enjoy a cat fight. You need to get out more.” He put the plans under his arm and pulled her into a side hug. “Thanks for being the best sister-in-law a guy could have. My brother is a lucky bastard.”
“I'm the lucky one.” She patted his stomach and walked to the back door to let him out.
“How's your dad liking his new bachelor pad?” He stopped after walking out the door and turned to face her.
“He loves it. Thanks for helping him find it. He thinks you and Alex are the greatest guys in the world.” She smiled. “I won’t argue with him there. He’s been over for supper a few times and I’ve been over at his place as well.” She sighed. “It's depressing to remember that I have one parent who really does love me.”
“I'm sorry about your mom, Jamie. You guys still haven't heard anything from her?”
“Nope, not since he filed for divorce. I swear she's running just so they can't deliver papers to her.” She leaned against the open door. “It is what it is; I just wish he could get some closure on it.”
“He's a strong guy. He'll make it all work out.” Mark turned and walked to his car. “Same bat time, same bat place?”
“Yes, sir. I'll see you on Thursday night to keep working on this stuff, unless these little peanuts decide to come out.” Jamie rubbed her tummy and glanced down at the steep swell of her belly. The babies were basically due any day now. She and Alex had decided not to find out what they were having, preferring to be surprised. The nursery was yellow and green just in case they had one of each. They planned on adding accents of pink or blue after Jamie delivered.
“Call me the minute it happens. I want to be the first one up there. I’ll already got my gifts picked out.” He headed down the patio and waved before rounding the corner. His head popped up a moment later again. “On second thought, I think I am going for a drink at that bar. Make it a night cap, and I can catch the highlights of the Masters.”
Jamie rolled her eyes and shooed him away. “Go. Have a good time and find a crazy hot chick to pick up.” She knew exactly what he was looking for, and it wasn’t the highlights of a golf tournament. Jamie closed the door behind her and walked into the kitchen as a sharp pain raced through her center.
“Shit.” She reached out and gripped the counter, breathing deeply and trying to figure out if she was having a contraction or just more Braxton Hicks. They’d been hitting her off and on for the past few weeks.
After a minute or so of standing pain-free, she walked to the living room and grabbed her phone from the couch. Another pain, followed by a tightening of her stomach, ran through her and she cried out, dropping down to the couch and leaning back.
“Breathe,” she whispered as panic overtook her. “Just breathe. Contraction. This could be the start of a crazy-long process. These babies aren’t coming out in ten minutes.”
She grabbed the phone and dialed Alex's number. He answered on the second ring.
“I'm on my way, baby. Zander and I were just discussing—”
“Maybe cut it short. I think I'm in labor,” she barked out as she panted softly, not quite able to catch her breath. She cried out as another contraction slammed into her. Nothing and then boom! Three contractions in a matter of twenty minutes?
“Damn!” He sounded excited and nervous at the same time. “Screw the meeting. Hold on, baby. I'll be right there.”
She dropped the phone and nodded, breathing through her mouth in short, fast puffs. The pain subsided as she rested against the couch, closing her eyes and trying not to freak out. Being pregnant was a natural thing to do. She knew a zillion woman who had been pregnant and given birth, but for some reason, she couldn't bring one solid example to the forefront of her mind as she started to panic.
“Mom. Mom was pregnant twice. She's fine. Well, she's not fine, but...” Jamie laughed and let out a long sigh. She was okay. She would get through the delivery and Alex wouldn't leave her. Emotions raged through her, and she stilled her thoughts so that she could process how grateful she was to have a man like him.
She grabbed her phone and kept track of the contractions as she waited. Hadn’t the doctor said they’d start and probably be erratic until they finally hit a rhythm? Labor didn’t go from nothing to everything, right? What had the OB said? Every delivery was different.
She marked the time and length of the contractions as another one raged through her, throwing her breathing and relaxing off. She focused and concentrated on pushing through the uncomfortable feeling. She tried shifting on the couch. Another four contractions ran through her before Alex arrived. They were five minutes apart.
“Baby?” Alex cried out as he burst through the front door. “Where are you? Jamie?”
“Right here, Alex. I'm fine. The contractions just came on. They just keep coming faster and faster. I think it's time.” She reached for him as he moved toward the couch and pulled her up. She had a belly but she wasn’t as big as she thought she’d get. At their last appointment, the doctor had figured the babies’ weight around four to five pounds each. ‘Tiny tots,’ Alex had nicknamed them.
“Are they hurting you?” He brushed his fingers over her cheek before pulling her into a careful hug.
“A little, but that's all part of it. Let's get going before the next one hits.” She walked to the front door. “My overnight bag is in the bedroom, on the floor on my side. It’s all packed in that one bag.”
“Let me just run and grab it. Just stay put and try not to pass out.” He turned and jogged toward the living room as another contraction hit.
“I’m not going to pass out,” she mumbled. She pressed her hands to the door and let out a low groan, trying to stay on her feet as pain like she'd never experienced squeezed her belly tight.
“So you want me to... Jamie?” He moved to her and put his hands on her back. “Breathe, baby. Through your mouth like those classes you made us go to. Breathe.”
She gritted her teeth and nodded, forcing herself to pant fast and steady through her mouth. “So freakin’ bad.”
“Awwww, sweetie. I would take it from you if I could.” He touched her back, and she jerked from him. “Let's get you in the car.”
She moved back, still locked in the middle of the contraction, but trying to dim the effect it was having on her as to not scare the hell out of him. “O-Okay.”
“That bad, huh?” He opened the door and reached back, taking her hand. “Need me to carry you”?”
“No. Just give me a second.” She pushed at him, overwhelmed with the need to lash out.
“Okay. I'll get the stuff in the car and get it started.” He walked out of the house and continued to talk to himself.
She couldn't help but smile at how cute he was. One minute she wanted to launch him across the yard, and the next, she wanted to cuddle him and whisper how much she loved him over and over. “What's wrong with me?” She took a deep breath as the pain subsided.
Alex moved to stand in front of her. “You ready?”
“Yeah. It's gone for now. Hurry.” She pushed at him as he offered her a hand. “Just move.”
“Okay, baby. I'm just making sure you're not going to fall.” He walked closely behind her, and it took all of her not to turn around and give him a tongue-lashing for no reason.
“If I curse you out, ignore me. My hormones are all over the place.” She got in the car as her eyes filled with tears. “Just know that I don't hate you. I love you.”
He laughed and leaned down, kissing her passionately as she pushed at his chest. “I love you, too, rowdy thing.”
“Get me to the hospital. I want this over with.” She buckled up and pressed her feet to the floorboard as her body went stiff and pain swallowed her whole. She screamed loudly.
“Fuck.” Alex slammed the door and got in o
n his side, tearing out of the driveway and reaching over to hold her hand. “It's going to be okay. Just breathe, Jamie. Don't forget to breathe.”
“It's hard,” she snapped through clenched teeth, turning to pin him with a hard stare.
The loving look on his face mixed with worry softened her.
She let out a long breath and crumpled into the seat. “I'm scared.” She squeezed his hand and panted softly. “What if something is wrong with one of them? What if something happens to me?”
“Everything is going to be perfect. You're going to do great, and I'm not going to leave your side. Whatever happens, which will be nothing, we're going to face together.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers over and over. “I love you so much, Jamie. I'm so proud of you.”
She cried out as her stomach tightened again, beyond anything she thought possible. A gush of water ran between her legs all over the seat and on the floor.
Her eyes grew wide as her heart raced. “Water.”
“You need water? Let's get you to the hospital and I'll buy you some there.” He forced the car to go faster as she shook her head.
“No”,” she panted softly. “My water.”
“Yes, your water, baby. It’ll be all yours.”
She growled loudly and bared her teeth as she worked through the pain. “My water broke.”
“Oh. Shit.” He glanced down toward her legs. “It's okay. All part of the deal. We'll get it cleaned up later. Just hold on, baby. Two more minutes.”
He floored it through a yellow light as she closed her eyes and pressed her head against the headrest. Every cell in her body screamed for her to push and push hard, but she fought it, trying to calm herself.
“We're here.” Alex jerked the car to a stop and got out, leaving his door open and opening hers. He unbuckled hers and picked her up, carrying her into the ER. “My wife's in labor. Help”!” he called out loudly as Jamie panted.
Sweat covered her face and dripped down her back as a nurse told Alex where to bring her. They raced down the hall as she looked up at him.
“I need to push. I need to push.”
“No, baby. Not yet.” Terror covered his handsome face, and try as she may she couldn't stop chanting that she needed to push.
The nurse helped Alex lay her down and brushed her hair back. “I'm going to check you out and see where you are. Alex Reid, right?”
Before he could answer, Jamie cut him off.
“I need to push. Now! I need to!” she cried out as pain ripped across her center. “Please! I need to”!”
The nursed tugged her pants off with Alex's help and got her in the stirrups before cursing. “Yup, you’re right, the baby’s crowning, Mrs. Reid. No pushing yet. One second.”
Alex moved up beside Jamie and ran his hand over her hair. “The baby's coming.”
“I know that,” she barked again before closing her eyes and hitting her head against the bed. “I can't hold back.”
“One second, baby.” He leaned down and looked her in the eye. “One second. You're the strongest woman I know. One second.”
“I'm here!” The doctor rushed in and moved between Jamie's legs, touching her knee and smiling. “You ready”?”
“Yes.” Jamie glanced up and nodded. She panted, “Can you get them out of me? Now!”
“Two of them? You sure?” The doctor pulled up a bench.
“Yes. It’s twins, damn it! Get them out!” Jamie screamed.
“Alright, push. Push hard for me, and remember to breathe.”
Jamie gripped Alex's hand and bore down, pushing with all of her might as the room spun around her. Sweat dripped down the side of her neck, and she screamed as she pushed through the pain. The sound of a loud cry filled the air, and Jamie started to cry. Disbelief, pride, and awe covered Alex’s handsome features. His eyes glistened.
“It's a boy.” The doctor stood up and handed the baby to the nurse. “Dad, you stay with Mom. Let's get this other little one out. Ready, Jamie?”
She glanced at Alex as she started to cry. “I don't want to push again. I'm tired.”
Alex bent down as he stood by her shoulder. “You can do it, baby. A few more pushes. Get your little one out. Our little boy needs a brother or sister. Push, okay?” A tear dripped down his face as he moved to hover over her, cupping her head and kissing her damp skin.
Jamie felt another contraction spread across her belly as the doctor yelled loudly, “Push!”
Jamie leaned up on her elbows, pushing with all of her might as she screamed.
“Once more, Jamie. We're almost there.”
She glanced over at Alex, nodding as she tried to catch her breath.
“Wait for the contraction. When it comes, you push again... there you go, now push!” The doctor encouraged. “Now. Hard. Now.”
“Shit,” she cried out and pushed with all her might. The sound of another little cry left her crying as her head hit the bed behind her.
Alex touched the side of her face and nodded. “You did it. I'm amazed at how strong you are. You did it.”
He moved back as the doctor stood up. “It's a girl. A healthy little boy and a little girl. Dad, come cut the cord for these two and let's get them wrapped up for Mom for a minute.”
Jamie turned her head to watch Alex hover over the screaming babies, and the doctor touched her knee.
“Push one last time for me. You did brilliantly. Best delivery I've had all year. And you did it twice.” He smiled brightly as she nodded and pushed one more time.
Moments later, Alex walked toward her and handed her a little bundle in blue to lie on her chest. He moved the little pink bundle up beside her and snuggled to baby against her.
“You did it, Jamie. Benton and Lilliana. You did it.”
“We did it.” She kissed each baby and reached for him, kissing him several times before closing her eyes and resting. “We did it.”
Chapter 18
Mark’s Chapter
“I’ll take a scotch. Neat.”
Mark took a seat on one of the stools pulled up to the bar, and leaned his elbow against the sleek wood, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check for any missed messages. None. He hadn’t really expected anything to have changed since the last time he checked. Alex and Jamie were busy with their new babies, and while he still lived in the apartment on the ground floor of his brother’s mansion, lately he missed the easy camaraderie of the early days, when his brother and sister-in-law had been able to just run out for dinner or a movie. New parents had other priorities. Which was fine. Far be it from him to push for time they should be spending with the twins. But, if he was honest with himself, Mark had to admit that he was a little jealous of the happy family they’d built. He wanted a love of his own. Someone he could spend his life with. Have what Jamie and Alex had. And children. His niece and nephew were friggin’ adorable, but he wanted babies of his own.
Candace hadn’t called back since last weekend either. Maybe, Mark told himself as he wrapped his fingers around the glass the bartender had set in front of him, lifting the scotch to his lips for the first sip, it was for the best that she hadn’t. She was a sweet girl – and a hell of a lot of fun – but they weren’t going to work out in the long run, and that was what he was looking for. One-night stands weren’t a bad thing, but quasi-dating a woman he couldn’t see himself spending the rest of his life with would only make it harder to find the person he really wanted. The one he really needed. He couldn’t be dating someone else when he met her. Not to mention the complications that were likely to arise from seriously seeing a girl who worked for his brother. No. It was better she hadn’t called.
He took another sip of scotch and listened to the bustle of Friday night in the bar around him. Some of the conversations were starting to slur into drunk, and one of the people over in the corner was singing along with the music spilling from the speakers. Mark shook his head. Maybe he was getting too old for this kind of scene.
; “Excuse me?” The voice was soft, just audible above the noise of the other patrons, and Mark started to turn. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but is this seat taken?”
Score one point for good manners.
And score ten points for appearance, because the woman Mark had just turned fully to face was the kind of drop-dead gorgeous that most guys only saw on a screen. In her case, a screen set to the golden age of Hollywood, all soft curves and smoky eyes. He ignored the pulse of want that rocked through him, and found a smile that probably looked reasonably polite and hopefully didn’t give the impression that he was trying to remember how to form coherent sentences while running through multiple plans to get into her pants – or, rather, skirt – as soon as possible. His mouth went dry.
“No. Not at all,” he finally managed to say, grateful that his voice didn’t sound as rough as it had felt coming out.
“Oh, fantastic.” She hopped up onto the formerly empty stool beside his and turned to smile at him. Waves of dark hair framed her face, a study in stark contrast against the white of her button-up shirt and the cream of her skin, and her eyes were wide and brown behind the frames of her glasses.
Mark made himself stop staring at the red-painted curves of her lips before she could notice and point out that he definitely wasn’t looking her in the eye. “Can I buy you a drink?”
Her head tipped slightly to the side, eyebrows drawing inward so that a tiny crease appeared between them. Mark felt like she was studying him, and wondered if she was going to say no. But in the end, the corners of her lips curled upward, and she gave a little shrug. “If you like.”
He lifted a hand to signal the bartender. “Whatever the lady would like to drink,” Mark told the man when he was within earshot.
“Grey Goose martini,” she said in a voice that was a little low for a woman’s, with a breathy edge that wasn’t doing his developing problem any favors. Maybe it as an affectation to match the ‘40s waves of her hair and the neat business attire, but even if it was he was enjoying it. Quite a lot. “Dirty.”
“A fan of the classics,” Mark commented as the bartender stepped away to mix the drink.