Building Billions - Part 2 Page 2
“You already said that.”
“But I’m picking you up tonight,” I said.
“No. Ashley, I want to take you out to dinner, which means I want to pick you up. I don’t care where you live now or where you’re about to live. I want to pick you up, drive you to dinner, pay for dinner, and then drop you off. Is that okay?”
I watched her sigh as she shook her head and smiled.
“Fine. Okay. I’ll see you around eight?”
“Perfect. See you then.”
The rest of the day moved at a snail’s pace. Focusing was hard, but I knew there was a prize for me at the end of the tunnel. If I could get everything done, I could change in my office, leave to get Ashley, and not have to worry about the work that would follow me into the weekend. I listened as the rest of the office building dumped out onto the busy streets of Miami, the lights of the hallway dimming to a dull roar. I typed up all the information I needed into the system and double-checked my schedule, making sure everything was right before I carried the paperwork to Ross’s office.
Then, it was time for me to get changed.
I pulled Ashley’s home address from her professional file, and I figured out why she didn’t want me picking her up. She lived in a very run-down part of Miami. Had I known that earlier, I would’ve called whoever I needed to call to have her moved out right away. She was in a very dangerous part of town, and as a single woman, it wasn’t good for her to be living there, much less walking to and from her car by herself. I raced down the elevator, hopped into my Bugatti, and whipped in and out of traffic to get to her.
I pulled up to her apartment complex, and she was standing outside waiting for me like she didn’t understand the unsavory people who trekked in and out of this part of the city. I got out of my car hell-bent on convincing her to move immediately, but her outfit stopped me in my tracks. Her curves were covered in a dark purple dress. It fell off her shoulders and framed her luscious breasts perfectly. It clung to her waist before dripping into a skirt that was higher in the front than it was in the back.
And her heels. The dark purple heels flexed her legs and showed off her toned calves.
She was breathtaking, and I forgot all about the rehearsed speech in my head.
“Hey, Jimmy.”
Her soft voice ripped me from my trance as I held my hand out to take hers. I brought it my lips to kiss and led her around the car. I helped her dip down into her seat and then quickly strode around to get us the hell out of the place.
The smile that crossed her face as my car raced into the distance tingled my skin.
“So, where are we going?” Ashley asked.
“Somewhere fit for that beautiful dress you’re wearing,” I said.
I looked over and saw her blush as a small giggle fell from her lips.
“You look incredible, Ashley.”
“That suit looks mighty fine on you, too, Jimmy.”
“We’re going to Joe’s Stone Crab. It’s an excellent place for seafood, and they’ve got live music playing tonight.”
“Oh, dancing. I haven’t danced since—”
My eyebrow quirked as I looked over at her. I saw her pressing her thighs together as she cut off her sentiment. I knew what she was about to say. She hadn’t danced since the night of the party, the night her body had opened itself up to me and introduced me to a world no other woman had ripped me into.
I turned my eyes back to the road as my hand snaked over to hers.
We walked into the restaurant, and the band was already playing. We put in our order for food and drink, and then I held out my hand for Ashley. She took it lovingly, her delicate hand seated in the palm of mine.
I twirled her out onto the floor and carried her around.
We danced and laughed. I twirled her out and spun her back in. I bent down and picked her up, hoisting her into the air before catching her against my body. I dipped her back and smiled at her, watching the way her beautiful eyes lit up.
I had no idea why this woman brought such a joy into my life, but I was determined to keep it as long as possible.
I brought her back upright and pulled her close to my body. The music slowed down, and the lights dimmed a bit, our bodies swaying to the music. Her hand was cradled in mine, and my arm was wrapped around her lower back. She swayed with me, bowing into me with the slightest curve as her body molded to mine.
“I never thought I’d have such a good time with a man without constant conversation,” Ashley said.
“Sometimes, people don’t need to talk to enjoy the presence of one another,” I said.
“Good thing. I’m sure she doesn’t have much to talk about.”
That grating voice caused me to clench my jaw. I flung my gaze over to the woman standing beside us as Ashley’s jaw dropped in shock. There she was, the bane of my fucking existence with those harsh gray eyes and that straight black hair that hung like a trap waiting to catch any rich man who came her way so she could sink her claws into him.
With some friend of hers that kept eyeing Ashley with a disgusted look on her face.
“Nina,” I said.
“Jimmy. Shouldn’t shock me you’re out with your latest pet.”
I felt Ashley tense in my arms as I pulled her closer to my side.
“Is that what you felt like?” I asked. “A pet? This is Ashley, my new Account Representative for my investors.”
“I guess people can still screw their way to the top,” Nina’s friend said.
I felt Ashley shudder as my eyes gazed down at her. I could see her eyes filling with tears, despite her want to hold them back. Her cheeks were reddening, and the smile on Nina’s face was growing.
She was liking this.
She was getting a kick out of insulting Ashley.
“Mr. Sheldon, is something wrong?”
I turned my eyes to the manager as Ashley stepped away from my grasp.
“It seems you’ll let anyone in here nowadays,” I said as I looked at Nina and her friend. “I would enjoy our food to-go and a bottle of your finest wine. Let our waitress know I’ll leave a decent tip on her table for the trouble I’ve caused her.”
“I’ll get right on it and let her know,” the manager said.
Then, I watched him escort the two women away from us.
I took Ashley back in my arms, trying to calm her as people started rushing around. There was no need for them to rush. The bulk of the problem had been dispelled. I could feel Ashley trembling in her effort to conceal her emotions from the public, but that was something I liked about her.
She didn’t try to fake her emotional disposition.
“Here is your food and your check, Mr. Sheldon,” the waitress says. “And the bottle of wine is on us. For the trouble our patron and her friend caused you.”
“Tell the general manager he’s a miracle worker. And thank you for your hard work and patience,” I said.
I paid for the food and left the woman an outstanding tip. I took Ashley’s hand and led her from the restaurant, our bags hanging from my wrist. I walked Ashley to her side of the car to help her in and put the food in the trunk before dipping into my car.
“Before you say anything, you still have nothing to worry about,” I said.
“I don’t know how you’re going to convince me this time that we don’t,” she said.
“It was a coincidence that Nina ran into us here. There’s a good chance she was with her friend because she couldn’t afford it herself. They’re nothing, okay? They’re a product of the money they can swindle from friends and family. They can’t hold their own in society. In a regular job. In a company like mine. Not like you can. They use their looks to get what they want. But you have intelligence.”
“You saying I’m not a looker, Mr. Sheldon?”
Her cheeky grin tugged at my gut as I leaned in close to her lips.
“I’m saying you have substance, and that makes every c
urve of your body that much more desirable.”
We shared a kiss in my car as her hand came up to cup my cheek. Her touch was tender and loving, full of kindness and a steady strength. Our tongues lapped against one another’s calmly, stoking a fire that burst in my toes. I reluctantly pulled back from her as my stomach began to growl. The food in the back seat was beginning to permeate my car, and I was hungry.
“Fancy a dinner underneath the stars?” I asked.
I drove us out to an abandoned park and worked my way into the middle of a meadow. I rolled back the sunroof before I got out to get the food, and then we scooted our chairs back and enjoyed a silent dinner. Once in a while, Ashley would chime in with something about a constellation she saw, a backstory or a fact about it that would broaden my knowledge about her. It was like she was a walking encyclopedia, devouring everything she could get her hands on and still thirsting for more knowledge.
I loved that in a person. It was an honorable trait, to want to always know more.
But the dinner was over too soon, and it was time to take her back.
We pulled up to her apartment complex, and I cringed at the sight of it, dark and dreary with the outside crumbling away. How long had she been living in a place like this? Why in the world wasn’t she somewhere nicer? A hundred more dollars a month and she could’ve gotten a small place for herself on the other side of town.
Not as glamorous as Ocean Homes but much safer than this place.
We stood in front of her apartment door for a long time before I watched her hand settle on the doorknob.
“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” I asked coyly.
“I’m actually kind of tired,” Ashley said.
“But we have a bottle of wine to open.”
“I’m sorry. It’s just been a long day. And a long night.”
“Did you not enjoy yourself?” I asked.
“I did. But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s past ten o’clock, and I’m secretly an old woman.”
“You sure are limber on the dance floor for an old woman.”
“I’m sorry, Jimmy.”
“No need to be sorry, but I want you to take this bottle of wine. It’s a very nice vintage, and when you move into your new place, you and your friend can celebrate.”
“Cass?” she asked.
“I remember you mentioning a wine and pizza night with someone. Figured I could provide the wine for your next one.”
“Even though I know you didn’t buy this for that reason, thank you,” she said with a grin.
I dipped down to kiss her on the cheek and watched her walk back into her apartment. I heaved a heavy sigh and then made my way back down to my car. I hated leaving her in a place like this, leaving her to fend for herself with people staring at us like they were. But she was an independent woman, and I wasn't going to try and stifle that simply because I thought she deserved more.
I slipped into my car and started it up. I closed my eyes and gathered myself, trying to shake the desire to rush up those steps and force myself into her apartment.
Then as I flipped the car into reverse, a light tapping sounded on my window.
I looked over and saw Ashley’s beautiful, round eyes reflecting the same constellations she’d rattled on about over the course of our meadow-laden dinner.
“Yes?” I asked as I rolled down my window.
“Maybe just a nightcap?” she asked.
I threw the car into park faster than she could lean up from my car. I offered my arm to her, and she smiled, slipping her skin against my suit. Her warmth comforted me as I led her up the stairs, and then the two of us entered her apartment.
I tried not to stare too much at the water-stained ceiling or the kitchen appliances that were fit for no place other than a junkyard.
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea for you to stay the night,” Ashley said. “So only a small nightcap.”
I reached my arm out for her body and pulled her flush against mine.
“Whatever makes you comfortable,” I said.
I dipped my lips to her neck and pressed a kiss to her pulse point. I felt her sigh against me, her breath heating my skin. Her hands gripped my suit coat, pulling me closer as my lips nibbled at her exposed shoulders.
I had a plan for this woman tonight.
I was going to treat her to something I knew she deserved.
“Do you want the wine o-or—”
I moved my lips to her tender breasts, biting into them as she moaned.
“Or what?” I asked.
“Jimmy,” she said in a whisper.
Her hands flew to my hair, and my hands gripped her ass. I picked her up and walked her back into the only other room she had in her small, dank apartment. I settled her on her bed, being careful of the moving boxes she had already packed.
Then, I settled my body between her legs.
I could see her nipples poking through the fabric of her gorgeous dress. I kissed up her thigh, my tongue flicking and my lips nibbling. She flinched at every move as she spread herself for me, her hands running through her hair and massaging her own breasts. She was a vision with her legs spread and her heels digging into her mattress and her skin flush with desire. I mouthed over her cotton panties, the fabric darkened with her arousal.
Her scent was intoxicating, and I knew this was the drink I wanted.
This was the nightcap I wanted her to offer me.
I slid her panties to the side and dipped my tongue between her folds. They were succulent and juicy, dripping with fluids that poured effortlessly onto my tongue. Decadent sighs fell from her lips as her body jolted, jerking with every flick I delivered to her clit.
I sucked, and I rolled and pressed deeply into her. I could feel her shaking as she propped her legs on my shoulders. I bent her legs forward, rendering her immobile as my tongue devoured her, licking up everything she had to give me as her hands tangled in my hair.
“Jimmy. Yes. Oh my gosh. I’m ... it’s—oh!”
Her chest arched into me as my tongue flattened out over her clit. I felt her arousal pooling against my chin, then gathering and dripping down my neck. I held onto her trembling body as she contracted against me, her hands tightening against my scalp.
She dropped to the bed and panted for air, her skin flushed red and her legs weakly trembling.
“That didn’t take long,” I said with a grin.
But there was a part of me that was disappointed in that fact.
“Then you must be really good at what you do,” Ashley said breathlessly.
“We’ll just have to work on your tolerance.”
I gathered her juices from my chin and held it up to her lips. She parted that luscious pout I loved to kiss and sucked my finger in, licking herself off me. I groaned, feeling my cock twitch behind my pants.
But this wasn’t about me tonight.
This was about her and convincing her she had nothing to worry about while she was at my side.
“Tastes better than I thought it would,” she said.
“You little minx,” I said.
“Would you like to lie down next to me for a bit? I can imagine that must have tired you out.”
I hovered over her, my body blanketing hers as her hands traced my collar. I wanted to. Oh, how I wanted to sink down next to her, but I knew she was in a post-orgasmic haze. The only words I could trust right now where the ones she’d told me before I’d thrown her over the edge into the ecstasy bubbling behind her gaze.
“I promised you I wouldn’t stay, and I’m going to keep that promise,” I said.
“Then I take it back. No more promise,” she said.
“I respect you,” I said. “I want you to know that.”
“I know. I do.”
“And I don’t want to squash my chances at scoring again.”
She giggled as I winked at her, and she playfully slapped my chest. I wrapped my hand around hers
and brought it to my lips, kissing her skin one last time. Our eyes connected, and I felt a peace overcome my body, blanketing me with a happiness I’d never felt before.
This woman affected me in ways I’d never understand.
“Here, let me walk you to the door,” Ashley said.
“Why don’t I take your heels off and you settle into bed?” I asked.
“Sleep? In this dress? Do you know how much this thing cost me?”
“I’ll reimburse you,” I said with a grin.
“Let me walk you to the door, Jimmy. Come on. Help me up.”
I pulled her up to her feet, and she wobbled for a second. I caught her in my arms, and the blush that ran across her cheeks was delightful. I buried my smile as she took my hand, but after that, she fell quiet. She walked me to the door with a somber look on her face and kissed my cheek before she opened it.
“Drive safely, okay?” she asked.
“Always,” I said.
I waited for her to say something else, but it never came. I dipped to her cheek to kiss her one last time, and then I stepped out into the nighttime. The door closed quietly behind me, and I turned back, waiting to see if she would come after me one last time.
Then, I made my way back to my car and headed home.
Chapter 2
“Jimmy’s right. You shouldn’t worry about that stuck up bitch.”
“Cass. Good hell, could you have said that any louder?” I asked.
“Possibly. Want me to try?” she asked.
“No, but thanks for the offer?”
“Look, what Nina did at dinner was wrong, but Jimmy handled it well. Very well, actually. Ash, he kicked some dumbass women out of a restaurant for you. Then took you for a dinner in the park. Underneath the stars. You didn’t talk his ear off about them, did you?”
“I may have told him a few things,” I said.
“Ugh. Ashley. No man wants to hear about the backstory of the constellation Andromeda.”
“Well, he enjoyed it enough to come up to my apartment afterward,” I said with a smile.
“You didn’t,” she said.
“Not all the way. But he did enjoy himself on my body a bit.”
“You didn’t!”