Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Page 3
“From what I understand, he didn't lose that last round.” She chuckled before grimacing at the pain that raced through her.
“Be careful.” He rubbed her tummy softly over the covers. “He did win, but it won't happen again. I was goofing off for a few rounds, and he was trying his hardest. He beat me by one or two strokes.”
“I'd like to stroke you.” She smiled and turned to look at him. “You don't need to stay here with me tonight. I'm fine. Go home and get some sleep in our bed.”
“No way. I'm not leaving you here. I wouldn't sleep anyways. I need you beside me.” He lifted up and kissed her again. “Man, I wouldn't wish the scene I came home to yesterday on my worst enemy.”
“I'm so sorry.” Tears filled her eyes. “I really wanted to have that light fixed before you got home.”
“Nothing matters more than you. I would have eventually stopped bitching and fixed the damn thing myself. Eventually.”
“Now you'll do it faster.” She reached up and wiped at her eyes. “I'm so tired, but I don't want to close my eyes. It feels good being with you.” She slid her hand down over Alex’s belt and stroked him. “This should keep me awake,” she murmured.
Chapter 3
Two Days Later
“So what's the new rule?” Alex glanced over at Jamie, the smirk on his face melting her like it always did. The two-day stay at the hospital had almost driven her insane, but after poking and prodding her far more than she felt was necessary, they sent her home. It wasn’t the doctor care that drove her crazy; it was having to sit still and do nothing for two days. She’d sent Alex to work, knowing he’d be agitated missing work, and there wasn’t anything to do at the hospital but stare at the walls. At least she’d managed to take care of some laptop work—emails, newsletters, and other things that Alex wouldn’t worry it being too much. “The new rule, Jamie?” He winked as he repeated the question, pretending to scold her.
“No climbing on ladders.” She rolled her eyes and turned to glance out the window. “Not sure I agree, but for the rest of this pregnancy, I promise I'll be careful.”
“Thank you.” He reached over and squeezed her hand before bringing it to his lips. “How about we stop by that specialty grocery store you like and grab something good to make for dinner tonight? We could cook dinner together and then snuggle up and watch your favorite show.”
“I didn't turn the DVR on to record it.” She shrugged, feeling a little more down than she’d expected.
“I did.” He nipped at her fingers. “Let's get something light to eat, though.”
“Why? You not hungry?” She looked over at him as she rested her cheek against the seat. A nagging feeling from long ago asked if Alex was hinting at light because he didn’t want her to pick up extra weight during the pregnancy. She pushed the silly thought aside. Alex would never thing that.
“Oh I am, but I plan on having my favorite treat in the world for dessert. You.” He licked at his lips and waggled his eyebrows at her.
She laughed, her moody spell broken by the man next to her. “I like the sound of that. I'm thinking I might even skip watching my show to get to that part of the night faster.”
“Oh yeah? I'm moving up in the world.” He pulled into a parking spot and turned the car off before leaning over and pressing his lips to hers. His fingers brushed down her neck as he pulled back a little and studied her. “Are you always going to take my breath away? It's rather hard to breathe when you're around.”
“Have you been working on that line?” She cupped his cheek and pulled him in for another long kiss as warmth filled her from head to toe. He was beyond cute when he wanted to be.
She got out of the car and took the hand he offered her as they walked toward the quaint little grocery mart.
“I quite like that line.” He shrugged before releasing her and grabbing for a small shopping cart.
“I like it, too. Especially if it's true.” She moved up to take ownership of the cart. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed the side of her neck.
“Of course it's true.” He breathed in deeply. “Let's hurry. I'm thinking dinner might have to wait.”
“You need something to munch on until we get everything ready?” She giggled as he nibbled at her neck. “Stop that. I'll leave this cart right here and drag you back to the car.”
“I'm honestly not sure that's the best way to get me to stop.” He laughed and moved around her, picking up some vegetables and dropping them in the cart. “I'm thinking we should grill something out on the barbeque tonight. You want steaks or fish?”
“Both?” Her tummy growled and she rubbed it. “Fish for me and steak for Benton.”
“Benton? No. It's not happening.” He shook his head and walked toward the meat counter.
Jamie laughed and moved out of the aisle, watching Alex as he spoke with the guy helping him. He was such an anomaly. A man who had everything in the world and enough money to buy anything he was lacking, and yet he was good to people. Great to her. His humility was one of the things that most attracted her to him.
He wasn't overly fancy or the type of guy who wanted to draw attention to himself at every turn. Neither was she, nor could she ever imagine getting to that point. But Alex still had class. That kind of style and composure that came with big money. That part was just sexy, too.
“Alright. Steak for you and fish for Lilliana.” He put the meat into the cart and glanced back at her, lowering his eyelashes just slightly.
Damn sexy. “Not happening, handsome.” She shook her head and pushed the cart toward the cheese counter. “I feel like something tart. Some stinky cheese tonight.”
“Stinky cheese?” He smirked and leaned over to pick up a chuck of blue cheese. “Something like this?”
She took it from him and lifted it toward her nose, trying to smell through the plastic and having no luck. “I don't know. I can't smell it. True stinky cheese would melt the plastic.”
“Why does that not in any way at all sound appetizing?” He took the cheese from her and hit the little bell on the counter.
A pretty older woman walked up and smiled. “What can I do for you two?”
“My wife is looking for something she lovingly calls stinky cheese. Is this something you would deem stinky cheese?” Alex glanced back and chuckled as Jamie put her hands on her hips and tried to give him a look without laughing. She’d get him back later.
“It is.” The woman took it for him. “Here, let me unwrap it and let you guys have a taste.”
“Yes, dear... get up here and try this.” Alex moved back to the cart, nudging Jamie forward.
“Alex, it's just blue cheese. It's not that big of a deal. I know you've had it before. Who hasn't?” She moved up and took the cracker and small chunk of cheese the lady offered. She lifted it to her nose and breathed in deeply. “Yep. Stinky cheese.”
“If I've had this stinky cheese, it wasn't to my knowledge.” He moved up beside her as she groaned in delight. “Yeah, I'll try it if she likes it that much.” He took a cracker and turned to face Jamie, reaching up and pinching his nose. “This smells like feet!”
She laughed and turned to the lady. “Please wrap it up. I want the largest chunk you have.”
He nodded as he chewed it and released his nose. “Hmmm... it’s actually pretty good. Not what I expected.”
“You're pulling my leg right now. There’s no way you haven’t had blue cheese before.” She took the chunk of cheese, thanked the lady, and walked toward the freezer section. “Buffalo wings and blue cheese? Salad with blue cheese crumbled on it?”
“Maybe, but not in the afternoon all by itself. Must be the pregnancy talking. Henrietta has peculiar tastes.”
“Not happening.” She laughed and pointed to the freezer department a few aisles away. “How about some ice cream for the week?” She decided it was a necessity. Whereas her throwing up every morning had finally stopped, her desire for dairy was only getting worse.
sp; Having Alex find her in the kitchen the week before chugging milk from the carton was one of the funniest moments of her adult life. The look on his face was enough for her to laugh in the middle of drinking it and have it come out of her nose.
He rushed in to help, laughing hard himself.
“I love you so insanely much. Did you know that?” She paused and reached for him, moving away from the cart and wrapping her arms around him.
“I think I did, but I love hearing it.” He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed the top of her head. “What were you thinking about that started all of this? Not that I'm complaining.”
She looked up at him, lifting to her toes and kissing him several times. “About me shooting milk from my nose last week.”
He chuckled and squeezed her butt before she moved back. “You are a weird one, Jamie Reid.”
“I like the sound of my new name.” She turned down the cracker aisle. “Let's get something to go with our stinky cheese.”
“Can you have some wine? A glass, or is that bad for Lilliana Henrietta?” He moved up beside her and rubbed the small of her back.
“Benton could handle a glass, but we'll just abstain until after he's born.” She grabbed a couple varieties of crackers and put them in the cart as Alex gave her a funny look. “What?”
“There are way more crackers than cheese.” He moved in to start pushing the cart.
“We'll get more cheese later this week.” She shrugged and stopped by the milk. “You want me to get my own carton to chug later tonight?”
“Nope. I want us to share everything. You can chug anything you want. Just invite me to watch from time to time.” He smirked and took the milk from her. “Do you really think it's a boy?”
“I honestly have no clue.” She rubbed her stomach and moved up beside him, entwining her arm with his. “I'm good with a girl or a boy. I couldn’t care less which we have as long as it's healthy.”
“And do you think it's just one?” He stopped pushing the cart when they reached the freezer department, reaching over and rubbing the small bump at the front of her stomach. “You're not that far along and yet I swear you're already showing.”
“I'm sure it's just one. I have no history of twins in my family. Do you?” She moved over and grabbed three different kinds of ice cream, handing them back to him before worrying a little about the possibility of gaining weight. Was it too early to start showing? The OB didn’t seem to think so.
“No, I don't. You sure you don't want that cotton candy ice cream you like?” He made a face.
“That does sound good.” She hesitated before shutting the glass case. “But no. I really want to try to not gain too much weight during this pregnancy thing.”
“I think you should do what your body wants you to do, Jamie. If you're craving something, then maybe it's Lilliana's way of asking nicely for it.”
“You love that name, don't you?” She opened the case and got the smaller tub of ice cream before joining him in their languid walk to the front counter.
“I do. I think it sounds like a princess, and our little girl is going to be just that to me. I'm going to spoil her completely rotten.”
“And if it's a boy?” Jamie moved up to start putting stuff on the checkout counter, but Alex moved in her way, taking the job from her.
“Then we'll spoil him, too.” He shrugged. “You only get so many blessings in your life. I have you, and once I have them, I'm complete.”
“And your company?” Shock rolled through her that it wasn't a little higher on the chart of important things.
“It's a means to an end. It feeds us and will help take care of us for the rest of our lives, but it's a company. At the end of the day, if it makes more sense to sell it than slave away within its walls... it's gone.” He shrugged.
“And you think you would really sell it?” She scoffed and moved up to the clerk, smiling at the girl before pulling out her wallet.
“I don't know. I guess for the right price we would have to consider it, you know?” He moved up behind her and wrapped his arms around her as she worked to slide her card through the reader.
“We would?” Jamie glanced up and noticed the cashier's eyes on Alex. It was going to be that way for a really long time, especially seeing as how his face was still on the covers of most major magazines. She also didn’t believe Alex would sell the company. He’d built it from scratch and made it the massive dollar-making machine it was today. It was his life, his blood. She kept the thought to herself, not wanting to ruin the moment.
“Of course we would.” Alex kissed the side of her face before moving down to bag his own groceries.
“Are you Alex Reid?” The cashier asked, her voice soft and airy.
“I am, and this is my wife, Jamie.” He smiled and continued to bag up their stuff.
“Wow. And you're willing to bag your own groceries?” The girl laughed and looked over at Jamie. “Does he have a brother?”
“Yep. He does.” Jamie picked her card up and chuckled softly as Alex warned the girl about Mark.
They walked out of the grocery store in silence, their shoulders touching. Jamie couldn't help but be increasingly grateful for their relationship. It was comfortable and yet titillating at every turn.
“Do you think we could go on another vacation after Benton’s born?” She stopped by the back of the car and watched him load the groceries.
“Of course. I need to start taking some more time away from the office anyways. Where would you want go? If you could go anywhere in the world, and you can, where would my girl like for me to take her?” He closed the trunk and moved to put up the cart as she walked beside him.
“Somewhere warm. A beach maybe? We could get a little cottage on the sand and just lie around and soak up the sun.” She walked to her side of the car and glanced over the top of it as he stopped and locked eyes with her.
“What the lady wants, the lady gets.” He lifted his eyebrow. “I'm praying that tonight the lady wants me.”
“Are you kidding me?” She opened her door and got in. “My hormones have been raging for the last three days. All I've thought about was getting on my knees in front of you and tasting you.”
“Fuck, Jamie.” He glanced over as his eyes widened a little. “Now that's all I'm going to think about.”
“Then we should do it. We'll put the cold stuff away, and then I'll spend some time reminding you why you belong to me and not some other woman.” Jamie reached over and brushed her fingers over his lips.
He captured her hand and sucked her fingers into his mouth, rolling his warm, wet tongue over each digit.
She groaned as her body tightened, her nipples budding with his attention. “Hot damn!” She swallowed hard. “My turn to curse.”
He released her and reached down, stroking himself. “Yeah, ’cause you have a raging hard-on, too?”
“What's yours is mine.” She smirked and leaned over, running her hand over the length of him as he stiffened in his seat.
“Be careful, baby. I'll pull this car over and drag you into the backseat with me.” He pulled out of the parking spot as his teeth pressed into his bottom lip and he let out a hiss.
“Yeah, ’cause that won’t make me want to stop. Like I’m going to say no to the promise of getting in the backseat of a car with you. I'm pretty sure the memory of our first time in the back of a limo will forever be ingrained in my wall of fantasies experienced. As well as in your dad’s truck. The wall of shameful fantasies.”
“Where is this wall?” He glanced over at her and smirked.
“Hush, or I'll crawl over this seat and make you groan until you can't stand it anymore.” She ran her nails up the long length of him, tugging a little at the top as he groaned loudly.
“The wall sounds like it might be fake or made up. I'm thinking you should show it to me.” He glanced her way. “You ready to crawl over the seat yet?”
“You're corrupt.” She laughed and shifted, moving
closer as she pressed her lips to his thick shoulder and wrapped her fingers around his erection, stroking him slowly as her tongue darted out to lick at his neck.
“Only with you.” He glanced over at her and stole a quick kiss. “You messing with me while I'm driving is almost as bad as you being on the top of that ladder. It's dangerous.”
She pulled her hand away. “You want me to stop?”
He reached over and took her hand, putting it back in his lap and shaking his head. “Nope. You might not have any sense of balance, but I'm not going to go tumbling backwards.”
She nipped at his ear. “Too much.”
“Too soon?” He laughed and lifted his hips, thrusting into her hold and causing desire deep down inside of her to wake up and growl.
Screw dinner. Maybe the drive back could wait, too. Or Alex could step on it.
Chapter 4
“I'm going to start the grill.” Alex glanced over his shoulder as Jamie watched him rifle through the groceries.
“Oh no, you aren’t. Not yet.” She smiled as she ran her tongue and teeth over her lower lip before she turned, walking into the living room and dropping down on the edge of sofa.
“I'm not?” He glanced out of the kitchen and lifted his eyebrows.
“Get over here, Alex Reid. Three days without feeling your skin against my fingers or tongue is far too long.” She worked her long hair into a messy bun and reached for him as he moved to stand in front of her.
He touched the side of her hair, petting her softly as his breathing hitched. “How did I get so lucky?”
“No clue.” She glanced up and tugged at the button on his pants, keeping her eyes on him as she unzipped his jeans and pushed them over his hips.
His tight black underwear looked delicious against his taunt stomach. She leaned forward and gripped his hips, digging her fingers in the side of his rear. Her lips brushed by his stomach muscles as she breathed in and groaned.