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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Page 10
Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Read online
Page 10
“Yeah, just a little worried about my sister. She sounded more depressed than usual today.” Jamie took the seat the host pulled out for her. Mark had left them at the front of the restaurant to run to the restroom. Jamie was almost grateful for the few minutes with Alex so she could talk to him about Christine.
“Do we need to go over there? Is it that serious?” He sat down and tugged his napkin onto his lap before reaching over and squeezing her hand softly. “We can have dinner with Mark any time.”
“I don't know.” She put her phone on the table beside her and let out a long sigh. “I don't want to overreact. That's what my mom and sister have been doing my whole life, and it never works out well for anyone involved. You can only cry wolf so many times before people stop believing. I just don’t want this to be the time the wolf actually shows up at the door.” She didn’t know how else to explain it.
Mark walked up and took the seat beside Jamie. “Did I miss something? You guys look upset.”
“No, Jamie's sister is just being dramatic as usual. She's just trying to figure out if it's more than just her normal cry for attention.” Alex picked up his menu, but didn't look at it. “Call her, baby. Then if we need to go, we can.”
“You're right. I'm not going to enjoy myself until I know she's okay.” Jamie pushed her chair back and picked up her phone. “I'll go make the call and be right back. Can you get me a tall glass of iced tea if the server comes, please?”
“Sure thing.” Alex glanced up and gave her a look that said he was worried about her.
She touched the side of his face and kissed him before walking off. The groan from Mark and funny comments that followed left her relaxing a little. Christine was a grown woman. A childish grown woman, but still... completely old enough to take care of herself.
Jamie pressed the button to call her sister, and walked out into the foyer of the busy restaurant. She pressed her fingers to her ear and listened as the call went to voice mail.
“Shit.” She turned and walked back out the front door, moving over to the side as a group of women walked in, dressed to impress. Some part of her wanted to lament over not looking more extravagant for Alex, but she forced it away. If he wanted a model in his life, he could have had one, but he obviously didn't. Alex Reid wasn't the type of man to settle.
She called her dad instead, grateful to hear his voice on the first ring.
“Hi, Pumpkin. What's going on?”
“Hi, Dad. I just wanted to check on Christine, and she's not answering her phone. Is she there with you? You never answered the text I sent you earlier. I'm worried about her.” Jamie glanced up and smiled at an older couple who walked toward the restaurant.
“She's fine, sweetheart. She's right here with me having a piece of pie. I made one from scratch. Everyone is impressed.” He chuckled, and the icy fear that had wrapped around Jamie's heart started to melt. “She was having a bad day, but I think she’s feeling better now.”
“Oh good.” She pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose. “I was just starting to imagine the worst.”
“Nope. We're all good. You could come have some pie with us if you're up for it.”
“Maybe another night. I'm at dinner with Mark and Alex, but I just couldn't shake the sound of Christine's voice from earlier today.” She glanced around and forced herself to relax. “Alright, I love you guys. I'll check in later this week.”
“Sounds good. Take care.”
She walked back in to the restaurant, realizing quickly that her response had little to do with the fact that her sister sounded depressed. Christine had every reason in the world to be depressed. If Jamie had been through half the shit with Alex that Christine had been through with Stephen, depression would only be the first of many emotions.
The issue was Jamie blowing her off. She'd called, crying out for attention, and even though Jamie wanted to offer her a shoulder to cry on, she just couldn't do it again. Not after being bitten so many times in the past by both her mother and her sister.
And if she had taken her life after my rejection...
Swallowing hard, she forced herself to stop thinking about it. Christine was good and everything was fine. Jamie sat back down at the table and slipped on a fake smile for the two main guys in her life.
“Everything’s fine. I was just overreacting. I get it, honest.” She pulled her napkin down in her lap.
“Has your sister always been dramatic?” Mark picked up a roll and took a bite before passing the basket toward her.
“Oh yeah. She and my mom, both. Everything was a big overblown ordeal, and still is. You should have been at the hospital when my dad had his heart attack. Don't get me wrong, that was a big deal, but they were acting like complete fools.” Jamie took a roll and worked on buttering it as her stomach growled.
“Your sister gets that from your mom, though. My dad was a little high strung, too, and I know for sure that part of the reason I fly off the handle so easy is because Dad did.” Alex shook his head. “Mark, you remember that time he couldn't get the car to start, so he put it in neutral and rolled it down that hill? Hit Old Man Martin's tree and they yelled at each other for two hours before the cops came.”
Mark laughed loudly. “Oh man. I totally had forgotten about that! Dad was a bit dramatic, too. You must have gotten every ounce of that, 'cause I didn't get any of it. I couldn’t care less what's happening. I'm not breaking a sweat over it.”
“Lucky.” Jamie gave Mark a cheeky grin before glancing over at Alex. “You did a great job today with everyone. Your presentation was spot-on. I really don't think there's much to worry about now.”
“I'll second that. You had the crowd’s attention for a good three hours this afternoon. Hell, I even wanted to buy some of the shit you were selling.” Mark picked up his beer and lifted it in the air. “To my older brother. The best businessman that money can make.”
Alex shook his head, but lifted his beer, too. “And to the two people in my life who mean more than all of it put together.”
Jamie's heart warmed at his words; not for his admission of love for her, but for Mark. It had been a rough childhood for them both, and not talking much until the last year had to be a huge strain on both of their lives. She was grateful for the leaps and bounds they'd taken in their relationship. It was going to matter when the babies were born, and Mark was able to be a big part of their lives.
“Alright, so tell Jamie about your business ideas.” Alex tilted his beer toward Jamie as he watched Mark.
“Really? I thought you didn't want to talk about that stuff for a while.” Mark lifted his menu and paused the conversation by ordering with the waitress. He waited until everyone had ordered to turn his attention back to Jamie. “I'm honestly thinking that I'd like to start a country club.”
“What? You're so humble, though. You're not a rich person kinda guy.” Jamie took a sip of her tea and studied his face.
“I know, but I love golf with an intense passion. Alex and I have been talking about me doing something that I really feel passionate about. That's golf.” He shrugged and popped another piece of bread into his mouth. “I like business, too, and I understand accounting quite well. Where I would love to play pro, there is no way. I'm not nearly good enough, nor do I want to put in the time and effort to get there, so the next best thing would be to work until I raise the capital to start investing in a country club.”
“That's a lot of capital, isn't it?” Jamie glanced between the two of them.
“Yep, but he's got a plan, and it's a good one.” Alex leaned back and rested his hands in his lap. “He's going to stay with me for the next six to twelve months and then start looking. I figure that's enough time for us to create a more stable management team at the office, and he's willing to help me.”
“It will give me time to really work on my business plan for this new venture, too.” Mark glanced over at Jamie. “I figure while Daddy Warbucks over here was working late every night, that you mig
ht be willing to help me with some of the grunt work at the house. That something you might be willing to do?”
“Of course. I'll help in any way that I can.” She moved back as their salads arrived. “This is exciting, and a little scary.”
“Agreed, and another thing I want to do is move into my own place. I love living near you guys, but I'm thinking in the next few weeks of getting a place in the city. Closer to the office for now.” Mark shrugged. “I make a lot of money working for Reid Enterprises, and where I want to save most of it, I want to start dating, too. Taking some hot, successful chick back to my basement pad that my brother owns isn't exactly going to score me any points, if you catch my drift.”
Alex laughed. “You never know. Some chicks dig the idea of taking care of a rich playboy. Take Jamie here for instance.”
“So now you're a playboy?” Jamie lifted her eyebrow, catching him off guard and loving it.
“No, I meant—”
“You stepped deep into that one, didn't you, buddy?” Mark laughed.
“Stop ganging up on me, or I'll get you both.” Alex lifted his beer to his lips and gave them a warning look.
Jamie laughed and started to work on her salad, enjoying the conversation and the company more than she ever thought possible. Things would work out at the office, and the fact that Mark and Alex had already started to plan on next steps for Mark's career was evidence that Alex believed that they would be able to handle things on their own.
Good. It's not Mark's responsibility to keep Reid Enterprises afloat. It's ours.
“I'm not ready to go home just yet.” Mark lifted his arms to the sky and stretched as he turned to face Jamie and Alex.
“No? What do you want to do? It's a work night.” Alex squeezed Jamie's hand and pulled her in close to him.
“I want to go see a movie. You guys up for that? Greasy popcorn, sticky seats, candy, and a horror flick?” Mark wagged his eyebrows. “Who can say no to that?”
“You guys go. I'm honestly beat, and after that huge steak that no one would share with me...” She glared at both of them. “I'm beat.”
“We'll drop you off at the house and then go to the movie, unless you want me to stay there with you?” Alex turned to her and reached out with his free hand to touch her face. “You just tell me what you want.”
“I'm good with you guys going. Just drop me off at the house. It's just right down the road. You don't even have to get out of the car.” She tugged on Alex's hand as they walked toward the car. “It's chilly out here.”
“You sure you don't want to go with us?” Mark opened her door for her and she released Alex and climbed into the back, snuggling against the far window and letting out a yawn. “No. I'm ready to get in my pajamas and sleep for a week.”
“No days off, please.” Alex turned as he got in the front seat. “I can run the place without Mark, but not you. You're my right and left hand.”
“Hey!” Mark popped Alex playfully in the chest. “I'm right here. Shit.”
They all laughed and Mark and Alex started to talk about various horror movies as Jamie pulled out her phone and flipped through the messages. Her father said that Christine was fine, but she couldn't shake the feeling that he really didn't know how she was. He was pretty lost, too, and wasn't the best judge of character at the moment.
Alex pulled up to the house and got out of the car, opening her door and leaning over to look at Mark. “I'll be right back, man. I'm going to get her settled in.”
“Settled-in my ass,” Mark scoffed. “I know exactly what you’re up to.” He shook his head. “Rub it in, man, rub it in.”
“No, you guys are going to the movies.” She laughed as she turned move around the car and stand close to Alex. “I’m a grown-ass woman.” She leaned in so Mark wouldn’t hear. “I can take care of myself if you’re not around... if you know what I mean.”
He slammed the door and moved toward her, gripping her hips and leaning down to let his lips hover above hers as he groaned, his voice full of desire, “My grown-ass woman.” He stole a kiss. “Can I watch”?”
“Uh-huh, later... maybe. You go watch the movie. I'll be waiting naked in our bed for you.” She lifted to her toes and kissed him softly and squeezed his butt.
“Why am I going to see a movie with my annoying little brother when my hot naked wife is getting in our bed?” Alex leaned down for another long kiss.
“Get out of here before Mark starts making comments.” She popped his butt and walked toward the house. “Be careful.”
“Always. Love you.” He got in the car as she unlocked the front door.
She fed Jake and took him for a short walk around the pool and backyard. After walking around in the house a few minutes, she couldn’t shake the odd feeling pressing inside of her. Jamie grabbed her keys and gave up on trying to calm her nerves. She needed to check on her sister.
Christine wouldn't lift a finger to help her, but that didn't mean shit. Jamie was nothing like her family. She called her dad just to double check that they were there as she drove toward her mom and dad's house.
“Hi, Pumpkin. Two phone calls in one night? Is the world ending?” Her father sounded far more upbeat than she’d expected.
“I'm just worried. I know it's silly, but is Christine there? Can I just talk to her for a minute?” Jamie pressed the phone between her shoulder and cheek and continued along the road, not yet ready to turn around and leave everyone be.
“She's at home, sweetheart. Your mom and I are having dinner with some old college friends. If she's not answering her phone, then she’s probably laid down. She seemed sleepy before we left. She's got a lot going on.”
“I know. I'm just going to go check on her. I love you.”
“Me, too.”
She hung up and tried to slow her racing heart, but the closer she got to the house the worse it got. After parking on the street in front of the house, she jogged to the front door and pulled the key from atop the door frame, unlocking the house and walking in.
“Christine?” The darkness was almost eerie around the living room, though she'd grown up in the place. She turned and walked down the hall, flipping on lights as she did. “Christine? Hey... it's me. Where are you?”
The bedrooms were empty and it almost seemed like no one was there, but Christine's car was out front. Jamie rounded the entrance to the kitchen, thinking maybe that her sister was sitting out back. They'd spent a lot of time out there as kids, swinging on the porch swing that her dad and she built one summer.
She stepped into the kitchen and tripped over something, catching herself as she plowed into the kitchen counter. “What the hell?”
Christine was sprawled on her stomach across the kitchen floor.
“Oh no! No... no... no... Please no!”
Chapter 14
Jamie called her parents as she rode in the ambulance next to Christine. She'd already called Alex, freaking out once she got the EMS on the way.
“Hey, Pumpkin. What's going on now?” Her dad's voice was friendly, but had a twinge to it that told her he was over her calling for the evening. She ignored it entirely.
“Dad. I went to the house, and Christine was on the floor in the kitchen. She overdosed on some type of medication. I'm in the ambulance with her. We're headed to the hospital. They think they got it in time, but I don't know.” Jamie let out a soft sob as she tried to hold herself together.
Christine looked like death as she lay on the gurney in front of her. The EMS guys were moving about and talking rapidly to each other as her sister panted softly but wouldn't open her eyes.
“What the hell?! Are you serious, Jamie?” Her father's tone changed drastically.
“Yes, Dad. I'll see you at the hospital. You and Mom should head up there now.”
“Of course. Is she going to be—”
“I honestly don't know. I'll see you there, and I won't leave her until they make me.” Jamie dropped the call and reached out
to squeeze Christine's hand. “I'm here, Christine. Stay with me, okay? Nothing’s going to happen to you. We'll get you taken care of. I'm not leaving your side.”
Memory after memory of playing together as little kids rolled over Jamie, and it was all she could do to keep the hot ball of regret lodged in her throat and not spilling all over the tiny metal box they raced through the city in.
She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose as the EMS radioed in that he needed a doctor to meet them at the entrance to the hospital. Her blood pressure was dropping, and they were going to lose her soon without the proper equipment to get her stomach pumped, and possibly an electric shock to bring her heart back on-line.
Jamie glanced up as the ambulance came to a screeching halt.
“Move!” The EMS looked at her as the other pulled the door open.
“She's flat-lining. Let's go, Jack”!” The other yelled as Jamie scrambled out of the ambulance and turned to empty her stomach on the ground behind her.
It seemed only a few weeks before that she was with Alex as he was bleeding profusely from the gunshot wound Stephen caused. They had more drama than a soap opera.
Was this her life? Really?
The ambulance attendants raced past her, pushing Christine’s gurney as fast as they could to the Emergency entrance. Jamie pulled back from her self-pitying thoughts and jogged toward the ER, only to be stopped by an orderly. “You need to give us some information on her, if you're here with the woman going into the ER on the gurney.”
“I am. It’s my sister. Our parents are on the way now.” Jamie ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head.
“Okay, but we still need some info on her. Come over here and help us fill out the information that you can.”
“Okay, yeah, sure.” She followed the woman back to a row of desks and dropped down, but kept her eyes on the door. Her parents and Alex would be showing up any minute, or so she hoped.
The image of seeing Christine on the floor sent her heart racing. She couldn't seem to shake the idea of her sister dying over her depression. If only she had stayed on the phone with her earlier, or offered her a little of comfort instead of cutting her off. After so many years of putting up with her being wishy-washy in her attitude toward being a family that cared about each other, Jamie was tired, raw. It seemed as if she'd chosen the worst time in the world to give up. Thanks to her, Christine was now in the ER, fighting for her life.