The Valentine Getaway Read online

Page 11

  Was he not the least bit afraid that someone could see us out together like this?

  The elevator doors opened on the main floor and he immediately dropped his hand. I hated the fact that we had to conceal this, but I understood why. It could ruin his reputation and it sure as hell would ruin mine. It was probably why he hadn’t called between Christmas and now, but the least he could’ve done was talk to me about it instead of leaving me high and dry.

  We walked down the road to the sports bar and it was packed with people. We managed to get a booth in the corner right in front of a massive television, and he scooted me all the way in. Instead of sitting across from me, he sat next to me. I could feel his hand rubbing against my thigh as the waitress set menus down in front of us, her jersey reflecting ours as she gave us a big smile.

  “Got some fans in here, I see,” the waitress said.

  “I am. She’s a newbie to the sport. But, we’re changing that tonight,” Colin said.

  “Okay! Well, welcome to Rightland’s. My name is Tracy and I’ll be your waitress for tonight. We’ve got all kinds of drink specials for the KSU fans, so I hope y’all came thirsty.”

  “I did,” I said. “I’ll have your signature drink for the night.”

  “It’s called the KSU Huddle. It’s a shit ton of alcohol mixed with pineapple juice, blue curacao, and grenadine. Gives it a nice purple hue to match y’all’s shirts.”

  “Well, that sounds fantastic. I’ll have one too,” I said.

  “And I’ll have your most popular beer brew for the game,” Colin said.

  “Bottle, sixteen ounce, or pitcher?” Tracy asked.

  “Sixteen ounce,” Colin said.

  “Y’all gonna eat? We got some awesome wings.”

  “Yes! I would love some,” I said. “Do you have, like, a honey-based sauce?”

  “We got honey barbeque, honey buffalo, and honey mustard,” Tracy said.

  “Oh, honey buffalo sounds great. Ten of those for me, please,” I said.

  “I’ll do ten as well in your tangy, hot buffalo sauce. And we’re gonna share a plate of your endless bacon cheese fries.”

  “Hungry and thirsty! My kinda crowd. I’ll get these orders in and have your drinks right up,” Tracy said.

  “Okay, so break down the basics for me before this game kicks off.”

  “Tips off,” Colin said. “That’s your first basic. Kickoff is football, where they actually you know, kick off. In basketball, it’s a tip off, because they actually—”

  “Tip off! Great. Okay. Second thing?” I asked.

  “When they score a point, it’s called a basket,” he said, grinning.

  “You’re a dick,” I said.

  He chuckled and I nudged him with my shoulder just to see if I could get a little closer to him.

  “Okay, so basketball isn’t hard. You’ve got two-point and three-point shots. You’ve got fouls, which is essentially unnecessary roughness on the court, and when someone is fouled, they get a chance at unimpeded shots from the two-point line. But, those shots only count for one point each.”

  “I can remember that. Anything else?” I asked.

  “This bar’s gonna get really loud once the game starts,” he said, smiling.

  “I didn’t expect anything less from a bunch of beer guzzling sports fanatics.”

  “Wonderful. I’ll answer questions you might have as the game progresses. For now, I want you to tell me how you broke your nose.”

  “I’m still shocked you knew that,” I said.

  “I’m shocked you thought I wouldn’t have noticed. We have spent a considerable amount of time together in close proximity.”

  I flushed underneath his words as his hand began to caress my thigh. His touch was electrifying and I could feel the skin of my back heating up. If he was trying to lay it on thick, then it was working. I was putty in his hands as he stroked my leg, and I found myself relaxing into the booth as his eyes took in my every movement.

  “I swam on a swim team when I was younger,” I said. “I begged my mother to let me do it even though I was a shit swimmer. My father thought it would help me get better and it was the only thing I wanted to do with my summer that year, so she relented. On my second practice, I dove into the shallow end after my coach told me not to, and I dove smack into the concrete floor of the pool.”

  “Holy hell, I bet that hurt,” he said.

  “It felt like I was dying. Yes. That’s why the hump in my nose is a little off.”

  “I broke a bone once. I fell off the roof of my house when I was ten.”

  “What were you doing on the roof of the house?” I asked.

  “Retrieving a frisbee I threw too far over my mother’s head.”

  “I bet that was a fun hospital trip for her.”

  “Oh, she blamed me the entire way there. My mother is a parenting master. Nothing ever phased her. I could get past childproof locks and bottle tops and one day she found me in the medicine cabinet drinking that children’s grape Benadryl shit.”

  “No, you didn’t,” I said.

  “I did. I was four, and I sure as hell did. But instead of panicking, she took the bottle away from me, gave me a glass of water, and told me to chug it while she called my pediatrician. I slept for eighteen hours and to this day she tells me it was the best vacation she’s ever had.”

  I threw my head back and laughed at his story as his hand cupped my knee.

  “Your mother sounds like a tough old broad,” I said.

  “Just don’t ever call her that to her face.”

  “Dear fuck, have you done that?” I asked.

  “Had I not ducked, she would’ve broken my nose, too.”

  Our drinks were set in front of us and we took a few sips before the game started. It didn’t take long for the bar to erupt into cheers and boos, the food soon forgotten about as I watched the game. Colin talked me through the basis as I watched, my eyes taking in the sports team that matched the color of my shirt.

  I stood to my feet whenever KSU scored, our drinks going everywhere as we laughed and clapped.

  The bar was filled with an intoxicating energy. We devoured our wings and tanked through the bacon cheese fries in a hurry. Drink after drink was set in front of us and I soon lost count as to how many I’d had, and it wasn’t until I got up to cheer again and teetered that I’d decided I’d had enough.

  “This is so much fun,” I said.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, though I think we should slow down on the drinks,” Colin said.

  “No fucking joke. I haven’t teetered on my feet like this in years. I think I need to put a few more fries on my stomach.”

  “Well, it’s a bottomless plate, so eat all you want,” he said.

  I got to listen to more stories of Colin’s childhood in between the cheering and jeering going on in the bar. I learned that he had an obsession with fast cars growing up, but grew out of it when his mother got into a nasty car accident. I learned that he still had his collection of useless baseball cards stored in the attic of his home in L.A. I learned that he wanted to play sports desperately as a child, but was never good at them. I listened to his childhood memories and came back with a few of my own. The conversation flowed easily between the two of us, and soon we were no longer paying attention to the game.

  We were only paying attention to each other.

  We nursed our last drinks as the game slowly began to wind down. Kansas State University kicked Wichita University’s asses, but we were so caught up in one another that we missed the celebrations. Colin didn’t even think twice when he paid, even though he’d footed the entirety of this road trip getting us down here in the first place.

  And all the while, I took in all I could about him.

  “Thank you for bringing me here tonight,” I said. “I had a wonderful time.”

  “I’m glad you did. Your company is always welcomed with me. I was happy I could coax you out,” he said.

  “Always w
elcomed?” I asked.

  His eyes slowly panned back towards mine and I could see the questions rolling behind his eyes.

  “Despite my prior—decisions—yes. Always,” he said.

  I nodded and let go of the breath I was holding, just as he took my hand underneath the table.

  “Come back to my suite with me, Abby,” he said.

  I started to shake my head to decline before he squeezed my hand.


  His voice was low and commanding. Reminiscent of our adventure over lunch. I ran my thumb along his skin, feeling his hand beginning to tremble. There wasn’t an ounce of me that didn’t want him in that very moment, but a part of me was afraid. Afraid that when we both went back to our lives after this weekend, things we go back to normal. It would be as if he never existed and the only part of him I would have would be what I could conjure in my dreams.

  But for once, I swallowed my fears and let go of my inhibitions, and I felt my head resistance quickly fade.

  So he tugged me from the booth and settled his hand on the small on my back

  In front of a massive crowd of people in a random bar in the middle of Kansas, he escorted me back to the hotel. His hand slid from my back as we entered the lobby, but the moment we stepped into the elevator he cornered me against the wall. His hands were planted alongside my head and his eyes were dancing along my face. I looked up at him, my chest heaving as my hands slowly rose up his torso. I could feel the ribbing of his beautifully toned muscles as the elevator whisked up to his floor, and I stood to my tip toes and pressed a kiss to his nose just as the doors opened.

  Then he took my hand, dragged me down the hallway, and used my back to open his hotel suite door.

  Chapter 17


  I barreled her into the room as the door closed with a thud. I could feel her hands threading through my hair as our lips danced. I needed to feel her underneath my fingertips. I needed to taste her on my tongue. I needed her sounds to fill my headspace and block out all the incessant voices that rattled around up there. My body longed for her. Not what I could do to her or how she could wrap her body around me.

  Just her. Whatever she would let me have.

  I ripped her jersey over her head and made quick work of her bra. Her breasts were marvelous, with dark pebbled nipples that beckoned to my lips. I kissed down her body as she panted, her back arching as she pressed her hips into my growing thickness. I wrapped my lips around her nipple, hearing her sigh in ecstasy before I scooped her up into my arms.

  I lavished her other nipple as I slowly laid her down onto the bed.

  Her skin boasted of a healthy flush as I worked her jeans off her body. I had her naked in front of me, her thighs glistening as my hands explored her body. She was tugging fruitlessly at my clothes, her hands shaking and her moans filling the corners of my hotel suite. My hand slid down her body, tracing the outlines of her curves as she shivered.

  Her jaw was quivering, and I placed sweet kisses along her jawline as my hand cupped her pussy.

  She was hot for me. Wet and wanton as her body bucked into mine. I grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head, rendering her useless as my finger slowly penetrated her folds. I could feel her arousal already leaking out for me. Teasing me with its scent and taunting me with its taste.

  I slid my finger down to her entrance before I slowly breached her body.

  She moaned and arched up, trying to take my finger as far into her as it could go. I slowly massaged her walls, running the pad of my finger against the inside of her body while she squirmed. She was the most beautiful woman in any situation, but when she was underneath me, it took my breath away. The way she bit down onto her lower lip to try and muffle her sounds. The way her breasts bobbed and swayed as she bucked down into my hand. The way she dripped into my palm and the way she begged for my tongue.

  It was too much to bear, I found.

  Sinking to my knees, I gladly lapped up her taste. Her legs locked around my head as my hand squeezed her breast, massaging her painfully erect nipple as her thighs squeezed my cheeks. I slid another finger inside of her, causing her to moan my name as I smiled into her body. My tongue easily found her swollen little nub, and I drank my fill of her while she writhed on the bed.

  “Colin. Colin. Shit. Please. Holy fuck, I love your tongue. I love what it does to me. How it makes me feel. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  Her words threw fuel onto my fire and my tongue moved faster. I slowly pumped my fingers in and out of her, feeling her wetness growing against my skin. She squeezed her thighs around my face as I buried my tongue into her, pressing down onto her clit as her entire body shook.

  I wanted her to cum so hard she passed out on my bed, just so I could curl up next to her and hold her close.

  “Colin. Yes. Yes. Right there. Right there. I’m so close. I’m so—it’s coming. I’m coming. Colin! Yes!”

  I sucked her clit between my lips as her hips arched into my face. I found her hand and threaded our fingers together as her back bowed off the bed. She shook and moaned, the unearthly sounds pouring from her throat as her scent swirled around my head.

  I wanted nothing more than to make her cum over and over again, no matter what that meant for me.

  It was different, not wanting anything in return. Sex had always been an exchange for me. But with Abby, it was different. With Abby, it always felt like a selfless act. The more I was with her, the less I felt the need to get what was coming to me. The more I watched her body undulate because of the pleasure I provided, the less I felt the need for her body to pleasure me.

  It was a first, and I found myself enjoying the newfound state of being.

  She collapsed back onto the bed as her lungs heaved for air. Slowly slipping my fingers from her body, I licked her taste off my skin before I kissed back up her body. She jumped with every touch I pressed against her skin. She keened with every brush of my tongue against her body.

  And when my lips connected with hers, she sighed ever so lovingly into my lips.

  “Let me feel you,” she said, whispering.

  “Catch your breath. You don’t have to do anything in return,” I said.

  “Let me. Feel you.”

  Her eyes fluttered open and they dripped with lust. I felt my gut starting to churn as my cock hopped to life. Her hands trailed down my body, slowly peeling my jersey off before she worked me out of the rest of my clothes.

  Her eyes admired my body as I slowly slid my throbbing thickness into her soaking wet entrance.

  I had to pause and bite down on my lip. She felt fantastic. Like a vice grip with an electrical shock that pulsed up my veins. I felt my skin crawling and my arms shivering as I seated my body into hers, poised above her with her fingers digging into the meat of my back.

  She rose her hips to meet mine and it quickly snapped me out of my trance.

  I pounded into her, watching as her tits bounced for me. Her nails raked down my shoulders and my arms before she gripped down onto my forearms. Her body felt so wonderful and she melded to me so perfectly. I could taste the honey buffalo sauce on her tongue as the twinge of alcohol continued to taint her lips.

  She tasted like a heaven I would’ve created for myself if given the chance.

  Without warning, she wrapped her legs around me and rolled me over onto my back. Her hands pressed into my chest and her hair hung down into my face, shielding us from the world as she slammed onto my dick. She bounced in my lap as my hands gripped onto her hips, and soon her head was thrown back in ecstasy as she reached yet another climax.

  “Shit, Colin. The way you make me—feel—oh—fuck—”

  The way she choked out her words trembled my girth against her walls. She massaged me so well and her pussy continued to swell with want. She slowed her pace and circled her hips on top of mine, pulling groans from my throat as my hands gripped her luscious hips.

  But when I found my opening, I took it.
  I quickly sat up and slid off the bed. I barreled her back into a wall and quickly swallowed her moans with my lips. Our teeth clattered together and our tongues danced like wildfire, her legs locking around me as I pinned her hands above her head. I slicked my thickness with her dripping arousal, feeling it trickle down my skin as her hands explored what she could reach.

  But as I continued to thrust into her, I felt my control slipping.

  I released her wrists from the wall and planted my hands beside her head. Her nails raked along my scalp as her lips peppered my cheeks and neck in kisses. Her hands threaded around my body and pulled me close as I pinned her to the wall and fucked her imprint into it.

  I could feel my motions stuttering with my impending release and I captured her lips one last time before it happened.

  Her fingers curled into the tendrils of my hair as I rolled deeply into her body. Her breasts were pressed into me and our bodies finally melded together as one. I had no idea where I ended and she began. All I knew was that her body was made for me. Her mind and her sassiness were made for my banter and my lifestyle. Her skin was the magnet my body had been searching for, and I was willing to do and give up anything just to keep her at my side.

  I rolled deeply into her, feeling her clit brush against my skin. She gasped into the nape of my neck, her body clenching around me as she finally released. Her entire body quaked against me as her walls fluttered around my cock, pulling me deeper into the warm recesses of her body. I lost myself in her, pouring the summation of my energies into her body as her pussy drank me down.

  My legs shook and my body grew weak as I clung to her tightly.

  I pulled her from the wall and stumbled back to the bed. We fell against each other, the sheets mussed from our play as my hotel suite saturated itself in our scents. I tugged at the covers until they were covering our bodies, my chest panting in the sex-tainted air that filled the room.


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