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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Page 12
Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Read online
Page 12
After parking the car, she got out and walked languidly to the building, heading out of the parking garage to enter at the main part of the building instead of through the garage elevator.
She paused to let her eyes move over the street around her. So much had changed in the last year. Gina was gone and Nicholas dealt with. Paul was back home and loving life completely. Her parents were getting divorced, her dad looking healthier than he had in months. Alex was doing better with his chest pains, and his stress had gone down, even though Mark had set a time frame of three months before he would be hanging up his hat at Reid Enterprises.
She rubbed her hand over her tummy and took a deep breath before walking into the building. One of the security guards greeted her with a broad smile, and she couldn't help but smile back.
Change sucked - good and bad, but it was what it was. She got in the elevator and leaned against the back wall, closing her eyes as someone called out.
“Hold the door”!”
She reached out and stopped it from shutting as Justin got in.
“Hey, Jamie. Thanks for almost losing a hand for me.” He smirked.
“Anything to get you to work a little.” She gave him a cheeky grin. They'd become friends over the last few weeks, and she was glad they'd decided to give the guy a chance as Alex’s secretary. He was as smart as a whip, and wanted to be an advisor for Alex one day, which Jamie could see happening sooner than later.
“How's it going? The babies doing okay?” He glanced down at her tummy and smiled.
“They're great. Just waiting for them to be fully cooked”,” she laughed as she walked out of the elevator and stopped by his desk as he settled in. “How are we doing on the information for the takeover?”
“We shut it down completely this morning. I got here at five to help Alex with the e-mails and phone calls. Only ten percent of our shareholders sold their shares. Reid Enterprises isn't going anywhere.” He gave her a big smile. “Alex is a genius, and it shows. My respect for him was already astronomical. It's out of this world now.”
“You're not a sci-fi guy, are you?” She lifted her eyebrow and chuckled as his cheeks grew pink.
“That obvious?” He sat down at his desk.
“It's a good thing. Ask Alex about Star Wars. It’ll win you points.” She tapped his desk before turning and walking to her office. She paused to press her ear against Alex's door. The sound of him and another guy laughing left her relaxing even farther.
Everything was going to work out. It always did.
She stopped by Mark's office before going to her own, and was surprised to see him packing up a few things.
“I thought we still had you for a few more months. What are you doing?” She walked in and set her stuff down on the table nearest her.
“I'm going to be working some here and some from home. Alex doesn't care about the hours I work, he just needs me to do a few things, so I figured I would get my stuff done early for him, and then go home and spread out my plans and work through the rest of this for the afternoon.”
“You can't go. Who am I going to hang out with?” She walked toward him and pulled his stapler from the box of stuff he had on his desk. She put it back on his desk and smirked. “You're not leaving me. I have three months to prepare for this day.”
“Do I sense some remorse? You want me to stay here and stay at the house? I think you want to adopt me.”
Alex's voice startled her. “Nah. She'll get over it.”
“No, I won't.” She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him.
“I'm rather memorable.” Mark wagged his eyebrows and picked up the stapler, putting it back in the box. “You need me or your wife”?”
“Both of you. I want you to each talk with Zander this afternoon and make sure I've covered everything. Just a short interview with him. That sound good?”
“Can I do mine now?” Mark asked. “I was going to head out soon and try to meet with some real estate developers this afternoon.”
“Yeah sure.” Alex turned to Jamie. “How about you, baby? You free to talk with Zander?”
“Can I do it now, too? I'd love to get started on my projects and not have to stop until I'm done.” She picked up her stuff and followed him back out in the hall before pausing and looking back at Mark. “This conversation isn't over.”
“Agreed. Have a good day. I'll see you tomorrow.” He smiled as she turned and walked into the hall.
Alex moved in and stole a quick kiss. “You look like sin.”
“Thank you?” she laughed. “I'm thinking you should make good on your promises and get home in time to see me tonight.”
“I think after we wrap up that conference call with the new shareholders at three today, we should both get out of here. We can make dinner and... maybe some dessert? A bubble bath perhaps?” He touched the small of her back as he led her toward his office.
“Those usually turn out well for me. I'm going to commit to that date. Now, let's see if you do.” She lifted her eyebrow at him.
“Consider it done. I know how that kind of night ends, and I'm not missing out, not for anything.” He bit his lip and shook his head. “Behave now, sexy. Get in there and interview Zander for me. I'm going to go to the restroom to adjust myself, thanks to you.”
“Kick Zander out and I'll do it for you”,” she whispered before turning and walking into his office. The sound of his growl followed her, and sent a wave of desire straight through her center.
The man was beyond delicious and had her captivated, but then again he had since day one.
Chapter 16
Jamie hurried into Alex’s office a few moments later, but not before she stole a deep hot kiss from Alex that left them both breathless. She knew her cheeks were flushed and she pretended to be busy going through Zander’s portfolio to keep her head down. She hurried over to Alex’s desk, glancing quickly to see that Zander was standing by the shelf where Alex had crystal plaques and certificates of achievement displayed.
Zander stood with his hands behind his back, and smiled politely at her.
Jamie leaved back against the front of Alex’s desk and set the portfolio on top of it. She crossed her ankles and took a deep breath as she forced a quick smile at Zander. He was taller than Alex, almost black hair, brown eyes that were so dark it was hard to tell where the iris ended and the pupal began. He wore a dark navy blue suit that he’d kept buttoned up, either out of nervousness or to appear more professional. Jamie had seen him work at the stock meeting and knew he was more than qualified. He just needed the confidence. He somehow reminded her of a younger version of Alex, before he made his money.
She realized she was staring and immediately felt the heat on her cheeks again. “Zanders, I apologize but I don’t even know your first name.”
“Is it not in my file?” He chuckled as he teased her and stepped forward with his hand extended. “Bartholomew, Bartholomew Zanders. It’s good to see you again, Mrs. Reid.”
“Jamie, please... Zanders.” She laughed as she realized he went by Zanders because his full name was a mouthful. “Unless you prefer Bart—”
“Zanders is fine. Nobody uses my first name unless it’s my grandmother or the cops.”
She raised her eyebrows. “How often have the police needed to use your name?”
“Once or twice in college.” He grinned ruefully and unbuttoned his jacket. “How are you doing? Alex has you going nonstop, doesn’t he?”
She motioned to one of the leather chairs and moved to settle into the other one. “He does, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Well, you look great.” It was his turn to blush as he sat down. “I mean, for being busy and pregnant and...”
She laughed again. “No worries, Zanders. I’ll take that as a complement.”
“Phew! That’s what I meant it as.” He leaned back into the chair. “I don’t know why I’m nervous.”
“It’s fine. You’ve already spoken with Mark?”
“I have. This is a great family business.”
“Funny you should say that. Alex started the business, I guess I married into it, and Mark,” she thought for a moment, “sort of divorced into it. He and his ex-wife divorced and he came out this way. It’s very much Reid Enterprise.”
“I can appreciate that. Alex Reid is a smart man. He knows who will help make his company successful. Or should I say, more successful.”
“Hence why Alex is interested in having you move up and take on more responsibility.” She appreciated his nod of acknowledgement. Zanders wasn’t cocky, or self-absorbed, she could tell right off the bat. “I only have a few questions.”
“Fire away.” He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.
“Are you married?”
He blinked, but his face gave away nothing. “I’m not.”
“Do you have a serious girlfriend or a partner?”
This time an eyebrow rose and he glanced quickly down at her belly. “N-Not at the moment.” He coughed nervously. “Your questions are a little different than Marks.”
She waved her hand. “What about family?”
“My family lives in Seattle.”
“How close are you to them?”
“Not very. I mean, I see them at Christmas and they fly out here once a year but my father remarried to a woman half his age and started a new family. My mother is busy enjoying cruises and bridge.” His gaze dropped down to his hands. “Sorry, that’s probably not what you meant.”
She smiled and waved her hand. “I’m only asking because this job takes a lot of your time. If you’re driven and determined to succeed, and you want to learn everything you can from Alex Reid, then it’s going to require not having much of a life outside the office at first. I only ask about your family and social life because it might feel basically non-existent.”
“I understand the job requirements, Mrs. Reid.” Again, he didn’t sound cocky or angry she was asking. He actually sounded like he appreciated that she was asking him these questions. “I’m excited to be a bigger part of this company.”
“Jamie, please.” She shifted to get more comfortable. “I just want you to understand what you’re stepping into from a different perspective than Alex and Mark.”
Now that they had covered that part of the interview, Jamie asked Zanders where he saw the company going, how he could help and other questions she knew Alex would also go over with him. Zanders handled himself completely professionally and Jamie could tell he was going to do a great job.
Half an hour later, Jamie was going over some technical questions, asking if he felt his temp could handle moving up with him or if he felt he might need someone more qualified, when Alex knocked quietly from the door that separated her office from his. He stepped in and nodded at the two of them. “Everything okay?”
Jamie stood, not missing Alex’s quick hungry gaze down and then back up her body. How could he even be interested when she was beginning to feel like a duck, even waddling like one. “We’re just finishing up. What office would you Zanders to move up to?”
“Good question.” Alex moved to his desk as he checked his phone. “What about Paul’s old office? We could knock a wall out and then you can use the two small offices conjoining?” His gaze shifted to Zanders.
Zanders had stood when Jamie did. He stuck his hands in his pockets, clearly comfortable around Alex. That’s a good sign, Jamie thought.
“Sounds good to me. When do you want me up here?” Zanders asked.
“I’ll get the office construction started in the next few days if you’re up to moving by the end of the month?”
“Sounds perfect to me,” Zanders replied smiling again. “Mark wants to hit a few rounds of golf this weekend. He mentioned that it was part of the interview process.”
Alex chuckled. “If I’m not there, just make sure you beat him.”
Jamie rolled her eyes jokingly. “Does the competition ever stop?”
“Nope,” both men said at the same time.
“Alright then, if there’s nothing else?” Zanders glanced at Jamie.
“We are good. I don’t have anything else I need to cover.” Jamie turned to Alex. “What about you?”
“Meet me in the conference room in about,” Alex glanced at his watch, “forty-five minutes. We can go over the Tyler account and George Tyler will be coming in this week and I can walk you through how to keep the old Texan happy.”
“Sounds good.” Zanders reached out and shook Jamie’s hand and then Alex’s. “Thanks for the opportunity, Alex. You won’t be disappointed.”
“I won’t, if you don’t give me any reason to be.” Alex smiled. He liked Zanders, but business was business. That much was clear.
Zanders nodded and headed out of the room from the main office entrance. Jamie followed and closed the door behind, locking it as she did.
Alex glanced up from his phone and raised an eyebrow. “Mrs. Reid, what are your intentions here?”
“I’m going to throw myself at the boss and see if he gives me what I want.”
“You can do anything you want, Mrs. Reid.”
She smiled, moving in between him and the desk, pressing her body close against his. “Really? And why is that?” she murmured.
“It’s part of the deal.”
She could hear happiness and hunger in Alex’s voice, so she looked intensely at his handsome face, meeting his gaze. “What deal, baby?”
He lifted his eyebrow at her and tilted his head just a little, his hand slipping under her skirt to let his fingers slide up her inner thigh and press against the thin satin panties that were already wet. “Being wife to the boss.”
That certainly did have its privileges.
Especially right now.
Alex’s fingers slipped inside her panties and began to stroke her. He groaned as his mouth found the sensitive part of her neck. “You are incredibly hot.”
When his finger pressed inside her wetness she moaned and let her head fall back, give him more access to her neck and breasts.
Alex needed no more encouragement. His nipped at her collarbone as his one hand continues its perfect tempo and the other under his belt, then button and zipped. Jamie lifted her hips to settle partially on his desk. She slipped her one shoe off and presses the bare foot on the edge of his chair to open herself up better for him.
She pulled up her skirt, not even bothering to take it off as Alex’s mouth sought her.
His fingers continued to tease her clit and press inside of her. She came suddenly, not prepared for the sudden strength of the orgasm and she cried into his mouth.
Alex’s hands pulled at her panties and she shifted to help him. “I’m going to rip these.”
“Please don’t,” she teases, “I have a matching bra to them.”
He groaned and gave up. “You’re going to kill me here.”
She glanced down at his erection and had an instant ache to have it inside of her. “It’s a thong.”
“Fuck,” Alex growled and pulled the silk material to the side. His hips jerked forward and he was inside of her in one hard stoke. Jamie gasped as pleasure rocked through her. She pressed her leg against Alex’s chair to help in the frantic movements. “You’re going to make me...” Alex huffed, trying to fight against the raging desire flowing through him.
“Good. I want you to cum. Hard and fast.” Jamie whispered in his ear. “Fuck me, Alex. Cum.”
She felt him swell inside of her and her body tightened around him to help stroke him as he moved in and out of her.
He growled as he came, one hand clasping her him, the other somehow entangled in her thong. “Damn, Jamie. You drive me crazy.”
She kissed his forehead as he leaned against her, trying to catch his breath. “Good. You can drive me anytime.”
He groaned and shuddered. “You are one wicked woman.” He pressed his lips against hers. “And I love it.”
Chapter 17
Five Mont
hs Later
Having Zander move up to their office floor and take over as Senior Advisor was the best decision that Alex could have made. The guy was a lot like him, and thought Alex hung the moon. They'd become close friends over the last six months, and even Mark liked the guy enough to invite him to play golf from time to time.
The plans for Mark's country club were underway, but they weren't much more than plans. Jamie had helped him almost every night for the last few weeks, and enjoyed it far more than she expected to.
“Thanks for all you've done. I know it's a huge project, and it's going to take some time, but it's given me a new lot in life, you know?” Mark glanced up from the kitchen table they sat at and yawned. “Alex should be home soon, right? I thought he was trying to not work so damn late anymore.”
“He's promising me that this is the last month of late nights.” She shrugged. “I'm okay with it. He shows up about the time I get in the bed, so we get a few minutes together. It's a good thing I work for him. I get to see him off and on all day.”
“That's true.” Mark stood up and stretched. “I'm going to have to hire a few pretty women to work for me. That's about the only way I'm going to meet anyone. It's not like I'm going out to the bar on the weekend.” He chuckled. “Maybe I need to start. I saw that English-looking pub at the end of your neighborhood. A couple of drinks, and all the ladies start looking pretty.”
“I'm not sure you can hire people based on their looks”,” Jamie snickered and rolled up the plans on the table in front of them.
“No one but you would know. I'd hire a couple of highly intelligent, beautiful women and play the bachelor until one of them won my heart. Then I'd give her a rose.” He wagged his eyebrows.
She rolled her eyes. “You've been watching that show again, haven't you?”
He laughed and gathered his things up. “It's hard not to. It's so damn entertaining.”