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The Valentine Getaway Page 15

  He tossed his phone to the couch before he closed the distance between our bodies, and I just knew he could see my heart slamming against my chest.

  His hand came up to cup my cheek before I rose up to my tip toes. He met me right in the middle as our lips connected and I could feel the electricity surging around us. I ran my hands up his chest, taking in the rippling strength underneath his button down shirt as his hands ran down my sides.

  His hands splayed along my hips as he pulled me into him, our tongues battling for dominance.

  My hands flew to his hair and raked through his luscious black thickness. Our teeth began to clatter as his hands grasped my ass. He dipped down and grabbed onto my thighs, pulling me against his body as he lifted me off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed into him, tilting his head back so I could continue feeling his lips against mine.

  He walked me into the wall and pinned me to it as his lips traveled down my neck. He kissed and he sucked while his hands ventured up my shirt. I grabbed the back of his head and pressed him into my breasts, feeling him smile as he mouthed at my sensitive nipples through all the layers of fabric that separated me from him.

  Then, he pulled my shirt over my head and quickly unhooked my bra.

  Chapter 23


  I wrapped my mouth around her beautifully dark nipple before I peeled her away from the wall. I could hear her moaning with wanton lust as her hands held me to her body. I walked us into the bedroom and slowly lowered her to it, my tongue spoiling her nipple with ministrations I knew were driving Abby wild.

  “Oh, that tongue of yours, Colin. It drives me wild.”

  Grinning around her nipple, I released it with a pop. I kissed down her body as she gripped at my clothes, trying to get me out of the layers that separated my skin from hers. I undid the button of her pants with my teeth as she watched me, her chest flushed with a red tint that could only mean one thing.

  She wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  I slid her pants down her legs, bringing her panties with me in the process. I could see her glistening for me as I undressed her, like a Valentine’s Day gift purchased especially for me. I kissed up her leg and watched her jump at my touch. She looked beautiful in the darkness of the hotel suite. Like a piece of chocolate filled with a caramel filling that my lips would drain her of.

  Slowly, I inched her legs over my shoulders. Her chest was panting and her hands were twisting up into the sheets, but I knew they would be tugging at my scalp soon enough. I looked up at her and caught her gaze, holding it as my tongue descended onto her throbbing little clit. She whimpered down at me as she watched me devour her, our eyes never leaving one another as I pressed deep into her body.

  “That’s it,” she said. “Just like that. Please, Colin.”

  Her gaze was desperate as her hand finally found the tendrils of my hair. She rolled her hips into my lips as I held her gaze, but I watched her start to falter. The pleasure was too great and her tits were puckered to painful peaks. Her entire body was shaking for me as I gripped onto her thighs, pulling her closer to my lips as I gathered her onto my tongue. She tasted of honeysuckle and sea salt, a combination that spun my head as her arousal spilled from her body.

  Her legs locked around my cheeks as she came, my name dripping from her lips as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

  I watched her drop to the mattress as I stood up and stripped away my clothes. I could see her eyes lingering on me, tracing the lines of my muscles as her skin began to pucker. I descended onto the mattress and spread her legs with my knee, feeling the heat from her core cascading along my skin.

  She smiled up at me as I reached down to kiss her, and I felt her tongue lick her essence off my skin.

  “I taste good on you,” she said, whispering.

  “You taste good anywhere.”

  I settled myself between her legs before I brushed a piece of hair away from her face. Her cheeks were filled with a healthy glow and I could see her eyes twinkling with happiness. Her chest was pressed into mine as her hands wrapped around my back and I could feel the love she had for me. I could feel her legs wrapping around my body and drawing me in as the tip of my cock pierced her body. I could feel her walls pulsing as I slowly entered her warmth.

  But when our lips connected, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end and sparks ignited in my gut.

  I rocked against her body, our movements smooth and slow as she sighed into my skin. I pressed my face into the crook of her neck, lacing her skin with kisses as I drenched myself in her. I could feel her hands digging into my back. I could feel her fingertips pressing into my muscles. I could feel her toes rushing up and down the backs of my thighs and I could smell her scent encompassing my body.

  Every single part of her was coaxing me. Pulling me in and enticing me to stay. Every single atom of her body was calling out to me as we rolled together, our bodies melding as one, as my lips found hers once more.

  I was drowning in her body, a sea of sex and love that ebbed and flowed against my body. I could feel her hips undulating up against me as our lips clamored for any taste we could find of each other.

  “I love you, Abby,” I said into her lips.

  “I love you, too.”

  It left her lips like a whimper and I ceased all movement. I opened my eyes and found hers staring back at me, filling with tears as she smiled. Her lips rose up to encompass mine, a sweet and tender little kiss that communicated more than any words we could string together in the English language. She laughed as her tears fell from her eyes and she threw her arms around me, burying her face into the crook of my neck as she held me close.

  I sat us both up with her body still seated against mine, before she started rolling her hips once more.

  Up against the headboard of the bed as my legs spread wide for her body, she rocked against me with her hands tangled in my hair. Our foreheads were connected and our eyes were hooked, and I felt myself being pulled deeper and deeper into her existence. Her eyes glowed and her smile twinkled. Her body shook and my cock throbbed. Our eyes never faltered and our movements didn’t cease, and soon we were bucking against one another as we chased our body’s ends. Her name fell from my lips like a prayer, light and whispered and desperate for redemption.

  She crashed her lips onto mine as her body finally let go and I could feel her warmth massaging my entire body.

  She wrapped herself around me as she whimpered into my skin. I rolled deeply up into her, feeling the whole of her body give way to my intrusion. I pulsed and throbbed as my throat groaned against her body, my balls pulling up into me as I met my own end. I was buried into her hair and clinging to her for dear life, leaving imprints of my body etched into hers as she dug her fingernails into my skin.

  “Colin. Oh, Colin. I feel you. I feel all of you.”

  I pressed kiss after kiss into her shoulder as my cock filled her body with my arousal. I could feel our intermingled juices leaking out into my skin. I could feel the way Abby shook against my skin as I leaned back into the headboard, heaving for air and running my fingers through her hair.

  She slowly picked her head up and leaned her forehead against mine, her eyes fluttering open as our gazes caught each other once again.

  I didn’t want to move from this position, so I locked my hands around the small of her back and pulled her even closer.

  “You know I’m not gonna go easy on you just because you’re screwing me, right?” she asked.

  “I expect you to tell me every single time I’m fucking up my image,” I said, grinning.

  “And you know that I’m not always going to be available to your every beck and call.”

  “I would expect nothing less from a hardworking professional like yourself,” I said.

  “And it’s probably going to be hard for me to find a place to stay right off the bat,” she said.

  “You can stay with me as long as you’d like. I’ll make up a spare bed
room and everything,” I said.

  “You know I’m scared, right?” she asked.

  I cupped her cheek and brought her lips to mine before I found her gaze once again.

  “I would expect nothing less,” I said. “All I’m asking is for you to be at my side. Everything else is simply semantics.”

  “We’ll have to figure out how to get my stuff out to L.A.,” she said.

  “I’ll handle that.”

  “And I’ll have to get a car, or at least fly out there and meet my stuff.”

  “Again, I’ll handle that,” I said.

  “And you can’t expect me to just let you problem solve all the time. I can do things for myself, you know.”

  “Oh, trust me. This problem solving is merely me getting you out there quicker. Wholly selfish.”

  “Good, because I’m fully capable of doing this on my own,” she said.

  A smile slid across my cheeks as she giggled and shook her head. I wrapped my arms around her and flipped her around, pressing her back to the bed as she squealed. I pulled myself from between her legs and felt the rush of fluids pour out onto the bed, and I watched as Abby’s little nose crinkled with mock disgust.

  “I need a shower,” she said.

  “That’s fine. I need one, too.”

  “You can hop in after me,” she said. “But I’ll be awhile.”

  “Don’t worry, I know you will be,” I said.

  “And how do you know that?” she asked as she slid out from underneath me.

  “Because I’ll be joining you.”

  She got to her feet and looked at me in all of her stunning, naked glory. My eyes raked down her body, memorizing every curve and taking in every place I hadn’t kissed yet. I grinned at the marks rising on her skin. Marks from my hands and my fingertips and my lips. A devilish smirk rose on her cheeks as she turned around, her hips swaying deeply as she walked herself towards the bathroom.

  Oh, yes. This shower was going to take quite a while, indeed.

  Chapter 24


  I woke up that morning with a terrible start. I had a dream that I’d missed my flight back to Minnesota and I leapt to my feet. I threw the covers off my body and started rummaging around for my things, trying to find my clothes. Everything was hazy and my head was swimming with things that didn’t make sense. I stumbled to the bathroom and splashed water in my face, trying to wake myself up.

  But it wasn’t until I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror that my memory came flooding back.

  I saw the suction mark around my nipple and the bruises Colin had sucked onto my stomach. I saw the angry red skin against my neck where his scruff had worn down the top layer of my skin. I held up my hair and turned around, surveying the scratch marks I had running all the way down the length of my back.

  The entire night came flooding back to me as a smile crossed my face.

  “Red looks good on you.”

  I jumped at Colin’s voice. He was leaning against the frame of the bathroom, a cheeky little grin on his cheeks. His eyes meandered down my naked body as he stood there in his boxers, and I let go of my hair before I tried to cover myself up.

  “Never cover up your beauty,” he said, as he walked towards me. “Never convince yourself that you should be covered.”

  He reached for my arms and slowly pulled them away from my body. I blushed at his words as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He slowly walked me into the bathroom counter as my head tilted back to see him, and I could see the love he had for me swimming around in his eyes.

  And oh, how I loved him in return.

  “I almost panicked about missing my flight,” I said.

  “I think you were already panicking until you saw my work of art,” he said.

  “Work of art, huh?” I asked.

  His hand rose up and brushed my hair away from my shoulder. His eyes danced along the red skin he’d left behind because of his five o’clock shadow. I could tell he was admiring it, taking in his handiwork as our bodies pressed against each other.

  I was becoming addicted to the feeling of his skin against mine.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he said as his eyes found mine again.

  “Oh?” I asked. “And these lovely little marks aren’t enough of a surprise?”

  “Not even a little bit,” he said, grinning. “Come with me.”

  He took my hand and led me out of the bathroom. He guided me around the bed and walked us over to the window. I tried covering myself again as he pulled the curtains back, his eyes shooting me a light tone of disapproval before I dropped my arms.

  “The windows are tinted from the outside. No one can see you but me. Trust me, Abby. I would never allow someone to see you in such a vulnerable and personal state.”

  My heart thundered in my chest at his words. Partially because of the tone of his voice and partially because I trusted every word that fell from his lips.

  If there was anyone I felt safe with right now, it was him. And the thought both revived and terrified me.

  “Take a look,” he said.

  I looked down into the parking lot of the hotel and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Cars maneuvering to and from the hotel’s entrance. Cars pulling out of parking spaces and trying to get out onto the road. People running around with suitcases behind them trying to make their flights on time.

  “I don’t get it,” I said.

  “See that SUV down there?” he asked. “The deep red one with the silver accents?”

  I looked straight down and saw the one he was talking about. It glistened in the sun and looked to be brand new.

  “I do. What about it?” I asked.

  “I bought it,” he said.

  I looked over at him with a quizzical look before I cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “Are you still trying to impress me? Because you must understand that you’ve done that by now,” I said.

  “No,” he said, chuckling. “I bought it for you.”

  “What?” I asked flatly.

  “Well, once my plans are over, it’ll be yours,” he said. “Right now, it’s technically ours.”

  “What the hell are you going on about?” I asked.

  “After you fell asleep last night, I had an idea. A crazy idea, but one I thought would be fun. But I knew it would require us having a vehicle. The problem was, all the rental cars in the town have been booked up because of the conference. They didn’t have anything I could use.”

  “So you bought one,” I said.

  “It was the only logical choice, yes.”

  “Okay. So. You've bought an SUV that you’re apparently gifting to me after something. What’s this something?”

  “A road trip.”

  I threw my head back and laughed before I figured out he was serious.

  “You’re serious,” I said.

  “Completely. I’ve cleared both of our schedules for the next week.”

  “Wait, you can’t just do that. You can’t just clear my schedule,” I said.

  “I didn’t technically clear your schedule. I set your transfer in motion. It’ll take some time to get you moved, and your official start date on the paperwork is a week from tomorrow.”

  “Oh,” I said. “Well—that’s a little better, I think. But I still don’t understand why we’re going on another road trip? Haven’t we had enough terrible luck with those already?”

  “Well, this time—it’s planned. One week, you and I, from here to Minnesota to L.A. I’ve got us booked in a nice hotel halfway between here and your parents. We’ll spend some time packing things up in a moving van that’ll be waiting for us. Then, we’ll spend two nights on the road from Minnesota to L.A. It’ll give us time to get you moved, it’ll give us time together, it’ll give us time to unpack you, and then it’ll give you a vehicle for driving around the city.”

  By the time he was done talking I could feel my jaw scraping against the hotel floor. How in the world had he put this tog
ether in this short amount of time? The smile on his face was a triumphant one. He had succeeded in surprising me and he was loving every second of it.

  “We’ll be staying in proper hotel rooms with comfortable beds and room service to bring us anything we could want to eat. We won’t be searching for bed bugs or cockroaches or wondering if the power’s going to go out.”

  “Sounds like a fairy tale,” I said, grinning.

  “With the road trips we’ve endured, it is. There’s just one catch.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “I stayed up all night piecing this together and I’m exhausted. You’ll have to drive the first leg of the trip from here to Minnesota.”

  “You mean you’re actually going to let me take the wheel?” I asked. “Mr. Control Freak with a penchant for needing attention?”

  “I’ve got it all mapped out so you won’t get lost. It’s all pre-programmed into the GPS that’s in the SUV.”

  “Oh, a fancy SUV just for me?” I asked as I threaded my arms around him.

  “Just for you,” he said, grinning.

  “Can we go see Elvis?” I asked.

  “Elvis is dead.”

  “How dare you speak such blasphemy,” I said.

  Colin chuckled as his bright smile encompassed his face. I was brimming with excitement. An entire road trip with Colin that was properly planned out that had nothing to do with business. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him, hugging him close as we tumbled to the bed. I locked my lips with his as I giggled into his skin, the excitement pouring from my body like an overflowing cup of water.

  This road trip was going to be so much fun.

  The hotel we stayed in once we hit Iowa was wondering. We christened the very comfortable bed with our scents and ordered room service that we ate butt naked in bed. I curled into his body and fell asleep without fear of anyone catching us, and when the morning sun rose we took our time getting out of bed. Colin wasn’t rushing us to get somewhere and I wasn’t waking up before the crack of dawn. I was able to enjoy his body and the pleasures he could afford me in the early morning hours before the two of us fell back into a naptime slumber.