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The Valentine Getaway Page 16

  It was everything I could’ve hoped for and more.

  I called my parents as he headed for Minnesota and told them everything that had happened. The entire time I was talking with them Colin was shooting me looks, and I figured it was because he was nervous. This was going to be a lot for my parents to absorb, especially since I was about to come home and move out within the span of forty eight hours.

  But then, that cheeky fucking grin appeared on his face again and I sighed into the phone.

  “The two of you know, don’t you?” I asked.

  “Yeah, we do,” my father said.

  “Why didn’t you say anything!?” I asked.

  “Because you sound so happy,” my mother said. “And we wanted to hear your take on everything. You know, just in case you really didn’t want to do this. You know I can always hear stuff like that in your voice, honey.”

  “So you know I’ve taken the job in L.A.”

  “Yes,” they said.

  “And you know I’m a few hours outside of Burnsville, ready to pack up my stuff and move.”

  “Yes, sweetheart,” my father said.

  “Is there anything else I should know about?”

  That was when Colin shot me a nervous look and my parents fell silent over the phone.

  “Well, honey,” my mother said. “You’re not coming right here to the house.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Your father and I are meeting you in Minneapolis.”

  “Why are we going to Minneapolis?” I asked.

  “You think I’m gonna let you go off to California with Colin without me giving him the rundown? You’re my little girl. We’re sitting down to a formal dinner and doing this the right way this time.”

  I smiled into the phone as a look a relief washed over Colin’s face.

  Why the hell was he so relieved over something like that? My father was going to chew him up and spit him back out again. My father looked sweet, but he was a ruthless papa bear lying in wait. People wanted to cuddle and get close to him, and they did. And then they would piss him off and he would unleash.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you two at dinner then,” I said. “I hope it’s not too fancy, because I’m not wearing anything over the top.”

  “I’m sure whatever your wearing will be just fine,” my mother said. “We’ll see you two soon. Give Colin our love.”

  “Your love? Mom, just out of curiosity, how late did he call you guys last night?”

  “Just before midnight,” my father said.

  I looked over at Colin and I could see his eyes trained hard onto the road in front of us.

  “Uh huh. Okay. Well, I’ll see you guys tonight for dinner.”

  “See you then,” my mother said.

  I hung up the phone with my parents and settled in for the ride. The journey was leisurely and stress-free, and I found that it was nice. Colin’s hand was threaded with mine while we mindlessly talked about all sorts of topics. Our life in L.A. What kind of place I might want to find. The strolls on the beach we could take whenever we got too stressed with work. I thought about digging my toes in the sand with him at my side and watching the sun set over the water. I thought about the midnight walks we could take and how the moon would shine brightly down onto our bodies.

  I thought about his place on the ocean and how he could press my naked body against the glass, showing me off to the sea as his name fell from my lips.

  Just like my parents had said, we drove past Burnsville and all the way into Minneapolis. We rode through the city as the sun started to set below the buildings, and I could feel Colin’s grip tightening on my hand. His eyes were focused on the road but they had this hazy stare to them.

  Almost like he wasn’t even paying attention to the road at all.

  We pulled into a darkened restaurant and I looked down at my clothes. All the women I saw walking in were wearing little black dresses and sensuous high heels, and here I was in skinny jeans and a bright pink blouse. I looked over at Colin as he smiled at me, then he leaned over and pressed his lips to mine before I could speak.

  “You look wonderful,” he said. “Don’t worry about how you’re dressed.”

  “At least you’re not in a suit. I’d be changing if you were in a suit,” I said.

  Then, I heard a tap at my window.


  I threw my door open and jumped out before I wrapped my arms around her. I pulled her close and closed my eyes, breathing in her familiar scent. My father was shaking Colin’s hand and patting him on the back, which wasn’t near the reaction I expected from him. But I shrugged it off just as my mother held me at arm’s length.

  “How was the cruise? What all did you guys do? What was your favorite night?”

  “We’ll answer all those questions later,” my mom said. “Right now, we need to go get a table. It’s cold out here.”

  We all walked into the restaurant and the hostess recognized us instantly. She waved us back to a table in the corner, one that was covered in a decadent white cloth with flickering candles. Colin pulled my seat out for me and I smiled at him, then he went and did the same for my mother.

  “Oh, thank you, dear,” my mother said.

  “No thanks necessary,” Colin said. “You look lovely tonight.”

  “She looks lovely every night,” my father said.

  But instead of sitting down, my parents looked over at Colin as his eyes trained themselves onto me.

  “Aren’t you going to sit down?” I asked.

  “In a minute,” he said. “There’s something I want to ask you first.”

  Furrowing my brow at him, I watched as he slowly lowered himself to the floor. The blood drained from my face as the entire restaurant turned towards us. Colin pulled a box from his pocket and popped it open, revealing a sparkling ring with a canary diamond sitting right in the middle of it.

  I felt my entire body go numb with shock as my mother put her hand over her mouth.

  “Abigail Thompson, I said everything I needed to say about you during that farewell speech. Every single heartfelt word I left on that stage was geared towards you, and I hope that if there’s any other doubt left in your mind that this will banish it forever.”

  My mouth gaped open as tears gathered in my eyes.

  “But there was something I left out in that speech. Something that I didn’t even realize I wanted until I was lying next to you in that hotel room a couple of nights ago. So when I called your parents and told them about my plan, it was also me asking them for permission.”

  “Oh my gosh,” I said breathlessly.

  “I love you, Abby. I don’t know how it happened and I don’t know when it happened, but it just did. And now, I can’t picture anyone else at my side but you. I can’t picture anyone else in my life but you. I can’t even close my eyes at night and dream without you being right there in the thick of it. So, here’s what I’m asking. Will you go on one more road trip with me? One that will last a lifetime?”

  I wiped the tears from my eyes as a breathless giggle left my lips.

  “Will you marry me, Abby?”

  “Yes,” I said as I nodded my head with vigor. “Holy hell, yes.”

  Colin took my hand in his and pushed the ring onto my finger as the entire restaurant erupted in applause. He stood to his feet and I threw my arms around him, tears of joy streaming down my face. I could feel his body buzzing with excitement, shaking against me as he buried himself into my curves.

  I felt my mother’s hand descend onto my back as my father clapped Colin’s.

  “Congratulations,” my mother said. “I’m so happy for you two.”

  “You protect her with your life,” my father said. “Otherwise you’ll be running for yours.”

  I looked over at Colin as my father embraced him with a hug and my heart soared with joy. My mother was gawking at the ring as our waiter brought over complimentary glasses of champagne. I watched as Colin raised his glass an
d caught the attention of the entire restaurant, and everyone slowly raised their glasses with him as he commanded the room.

  “To a new life with a new purpose and a reinvigorated sense of family. I love you, Abby. And I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure you know it.”

  The restaurant drank to his toast as I gazed into his eyes. I was looking into the eyes of the man I’d come to love. A man who had both infuriated and mesmerized me from the very beginning. For the first time in months, I felt hopeful. For the first time in months, I felt happy.

  And for the first time in years, I understood what it meant to have a partner.

  “To the rest of our lives,” I said.

  “To the rest of our lives,” Colin said.


  … but Abby & Colin’s Story isn’t over yet!

  Cruising Love Blurb

  USA Today Bestselling Author, Lexy Timms, shares a holiday romance that’ll warm the heart and having you wishing on love—or beating it with a stick!

  Abby said yes.

  But now she’s worried it was too fast. She’s pretty sure she’s in love with Colin. I mean, who wouldn’t be? He’s crazy hot, owns a billionaire dollar company, and wants to marry her.

  Except, they barely know each other. They’ve done two snow storm trips, had amazing sex—he definitely knows her in that department, and he hired her for his company. But what else? They’ve hardly spent any time dating.

  There are also other issues. He’s in a different social class. Literally. The man deals with top business owners, billionaires, Hollywood, princes from other countries. He’s spoken to the president! Abbey’s just… well, she’s just Abbey from a small town near Minnesota. She’s just gotten back on her feet, thanks to Colin. She doesn’t know how to dress for a fancy charity dinner. She doesn’t know how to react when the media flash bulbs right in her face. She doesn’t know what to do when her ex-boyfriend comes knocking on her door.

  Colin doesn’t want to lose the best thing that’s stepped in his life. Abbey’s just feeling the pressure and he wants to fix it. He also doesn’t want her ex-boyfriend showing his face and pretending to try and win her back. The guy’s just after money. He already took everything from her, there’s no way Colin is going to let that happen twice. Not even her ex’s petty lawyer stands a chance going after half of what is Abbeys. No judge in the world would agree to that. So he uses his high rolling lawyer to squash the bug before Abbey has a chance to know about it, or worry about it.

  Except, she’s ticked at him for trying to do the right thing. Ticked about a big, fancy wedding. Ticked she can’t walk to work or take the bus. It’s too much.

  Colin decides the way to save their relationship is to do what they do best – end up on a trip where they can’t get away from each other. Except no snow this time. He books a cruise. A boat where their only escape is drowning? A beautiful cruise in the Caribbean. Two people who nobody knows, getting to know each other and figure out how to spend forever together.

  Billionaire Holiday Romance Series

  Driving Home for Christmas

  The Valentine Getaway

  A Holiday Romance series because every holiday is special…

  A Holiday Romance series because every holiday is special…

  Billionaire Holiday Romance Series

  Driving Home for Christmas

  Book 1

  The Valentine Getaway

  Book 2

  Cruising Love

  Book 3

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