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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Read online

Page 6

  Jamie could just imagine what her mother had been saying. “It’s okay.” She walked back to the lobby to find her sister clinging to Alex. He gave her an apologetic look and broke free.

  “You okay, Jamie?” He pulled her into a tight hug and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

  “I am now.” She snuggled against him, finding home in his arms.

  Chapter 7

  Jamie forced Alex to leave around three in the morning. There had been a slight complication with the surgery, and it would be another hour. Alex fought against her at first, but finally nodded and headed home.

  She slumped down in the chair next to her sleeping sister, and watched her mother pace the floor. The older woman hadn't stopped patrolling all night long. Whereas she was a mean, unruly bitch to everyone else, Jamie got the clear picture of her feelings toward Jamie's dad. She loved him. It was a good thing, too. She was a bitch to him most days of the week along with everyone else. Maybe there were parts of their relationship that Jamie didn't see, because even with all her faults Jamie's dad seemed to love her, too.

  “I can't believe this is happening.” Her mom ran her fingers through her hair before wrapping her arms tightly around herself. “I told him a million times that we needed to start exercising together. To start playing tennis together again or something.” She paused and let out a long sigh. “Are you even listening to me?”

  “I sure am, Mom,” Jamie half-whispered as her eyes grew heavy. “I was just thinking about how much you love dad.”

  “I do. I love him with everything I have.” She groaned and started to pace again. “This is taking entirely too long. I'm close to getting someone and chewing their ass off.”

  “Well, don't. That's not going to do us any favors. Just let them take care of Dad, and when they know something they'll come and tell us.” Jamie stood up and yawned loudly. “Come sit down and rest.”

  “You need to go home and get some sleep. I already warned you about taking care of that baby”!” Her mom barked at her as she walked over and dropped down into a chair. “Go home. Seriously.”

  “I'm not going—”

  “Mrs. Connors?” a voice resounded behind Jamie, and she jerked around as her mother jumped up from her chair.

  “That's me.” She moved in front of Jamie, and it seemed as if someone had sucked all the air from the room.

  The doctor gave them both a warm smile. “He did great. He's going to be in recovery for twelve hours, but then we'll move him to a room in ICU and you can see him then.”

  “The surgery went good?” Her mother's voice shook slightly.

  “It did. He's a strong man. You should think about going home and getting some rest.” The doctor turned his attention from Jamie's mom to her. “Both of you. You won't get to see him until three or four this afternoon. Twelve hours.”

  “I'm not going anywhere.” Jamie's mom turned and walked back to the row of chairs, dropping down into one beside Christine, who was still sound asleep.

  “Suit yourself.” The doctor nodded and turned, walking back down the hall.

  “I'm going to go home to sleep a few hours. I'll be back after lunchtime.” Jamie turned to face her mom. “Do you need anything?”

  “No. I feel much better. We'll see you when we see you.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

  “Alright. Call if you need anything.” Jamie picked up her purse and walked to the door. The need to say I love you, or better yet, to hear it from her mom nagged at her, but it wasn't going to happen. It was rare for them to exchange any sort of pleasantries, and if they didn't much like each other, then loving one another was asking too much.

  Jamie rolled down the windows and drove home, singing at the top of her lungs to stay awake. She barely made it into her bedroom, dropping down fully dressed and pulling the covers over the top of her.

  Alex was gone already. The smell of his cologne lingered in the room, and it alone had the ability to send her off into exotically delicious dreams.


  She woke a few hours later, drowsy and crabby from not enough sleep. After making a pot of coffee, she had a quick shower and a piece of dry toast. She spent a little time with Jake and made one more piece of toast. Alex was going to chew her ass for coming into the office after being up for most of the night, but she had four hours before she needed to be back at the hospital, and mulling around at the house alone was out. It would only leave her to her thoughts.

  No thanks.

  She got to the office in record time, and walked through security, trying to decide if she should stop and grab something better to eat. Everything sounded good but her stomach was sensitive, as if she were suffering a hangover. She had some granola bars in her office. That sounded safe.

  “I wish,” she murmured and got onto the elevator.

  Paul turned from Justin's desk as she walked in. “Hey. I heard about your dad. How’s he doing?”

  She rubbed at her eyes. “Good. He came through the surgery great, and was moved to ICU a few hours ago. I'm headed up there this evening to see him.”

  “Good. Grab your coffee and then let's talk.” Paul gave her a tight smile.

  “Okay.” She walked past him, smiling at Justin and wondering what Paul wanted to talk about. By the look on his face, it couldn't be good.

  When are things going to slow down? To stop being so damn jacked up?

  It was like being on a roller coaster that was under repairs, and yet your dumb ass was still riding it. She let out a soft sigh at the thoughts she was entertaining, and dropped her stuff off by her office.

  “Jamie?” Alex's voice caught her off guard as she stepped out into the hall. “Why are you here? You should be at home, sleeping.”

  She turned and let her eyes move across him as lust blossomed in her belly. It had been a few days since they'd made love, and one day was a day too many.

  “I took a nap. I'm good.” She walked toward him and wrapped him in a tight hug. They rarely showed affection at the office in plain sight, but she needed him for a minute. He didn't deny her, but instead leaned down and kissed her several times. “I wanted to be around people.”

  “Your dad's doing okay?” He kissed her again.

  “Yeah. He should be in ICU now. I'll head up there later this afternoon.” She touched the side of his face. “I need time with you.”

  He smirked. “Even in the middle of the scariest storms, my girl still wants to cuddle.”

  “Who said anything about cuddling? I want sex.” She nipped at his mouth and turned, walking to the coffee bar as he growled at her. Warmth danced around her center, promising to bother her until she finally did something about it. Being tired was one thing, but being horny would drive her to close their door and force him to give her some much-needed attention.

  After grabbing a large cup of coffee and fixing it to taste more like a dessert, she made her way back to her office.

  Paul was already sitting in the chair in front of her desk.

  She closed the door and walked toward him. “Why am I thinking this isn't going to be a talk I want to have after being up all night?” She lifted her eyebrow at him and sat down in her chair to study him.

  “I know. I should wait, but I had a long conversation with my folks last night. I was just mulling over Kristen's decision to move back home, and I get it. It's lonely as fuck here. I don't have family, and the friends I have want to go out and get drunk at the bars all weekend long. I'm ready for a different life, Jamie.” He shrugged. “I love it here at the firm, but I think I'll love my job no matter where I go. It's the other parts that I'm missing out on.”

  She took a sip of her coffee as concerned dripped down her chest. Mark wanted to leave, and now it sounded like Paul did, too. Both of them had just been given a big promotion to help pull them into lower-level management so that Alex could start pushing stuff down to them. It would seem the promotion and the plan to have more pulled off of Alex was going to fall through completel

  “Does Alex know that you're thinking about leaving?” She set her coffee down and stifled the need to sigh at the situation. There was no reason to let Paul know how disappointed she was. Alex would do that for both of them.

  “No. I wanted to talk to you about it first. He's been moodier lately than I remember him being before. I'd rather not piss him off first thing in the morning.” Paul visibly paled.

  “I get that, but he needs to know.” She picked up her coffee. “I'll talk to him about it and then come get you and you can fill him in. Let me soften the blow.”

  “Okay. Can you do it soon? My parents want to take me with them on a trip in three weeks. I need to put in my notice today.”

  She held back the need to growl and nodded. “Yeah. Let me drink this and then I'll go into the lion’s den for you.”

  He smiled and got up. “Thanks, Jamie. You're the best.”

  “You sure this is the right decision?” She got up as well and walked toward Alex's office. The coffee was making her stomach hurt.

  “Yeah. It feels right. You know?” He smiled before walking out.

  “No, I don't know. Nothing feels right lately.” She let out a huff, knocked, and walked in. “Alex, do you have a minute?”

  “Not really.” He stood up from his desk. “But for you, I'll make time.”

  “Paul was just in my office, and—”

  He lifted his hand. “No. If you're coming in here to tell me that Paul's leaving, then no, I don't have time.”

  Jamie stopped short, not liking his tone at all. She was going on too little sleep to deal with him acting like an ass due to his stress. “Fine. Then talk to him yourself.” She turned on her heel and walked back into her office.

  He walked in behind her. “What did you say to him? Did you try to stop him? Tell him the benefits of working here?” Alex ran his hands through his hair. “We can't keep losing people to their stupid-ass dreams of wanting to have some fairytale love affair.”

  “Alex. Really?” She walked to the door and closed it. “Not everyone is interested in being married to their job. Some people want a real life. A smile and a relationship that they get to invest in.”

  “Are you saying that I don't invest in our relationship?” He lifted an eyebrow.

  She walked toward him, grabbed her purse, and gave him a scathing look. “I'm going on two hours of sleep, my dad's in the hospital, my husband is having chest pains, and I'm pregnant. Back off.”

  “Baby.” His expression softened as he reached for her. “I'm sorry. I got a call this morning from—”

  “I don't care. I came into the office to get some work done. I’ve changed my mind.” She tugged her purse on her shoulder. “I'll be at the hospital. Talk to Paul yourself. It's your problem anyway.”

  She didn't look back, but thankfully made it to the car before letting herself break down and cry.

  Chapter 8

  She drove home instead of going to the hospital. A long cry in her bed would do her some good, no doubt. She'd gotten home and settled into the sheets about the time someone opened the front door. Assuming that it was Mark, she grabbed her robe and tied it tight before walking out into the living room.

  Alex turned from the entrance to the kitchen and tilted his head. “Baby. I'm sorry. Please hear me when I tell you that I would never do anything to upset you.”

  She bit her lip, trying to keep from crying. He’d followed her home. He’d left work and followed her home.

  “Jamie.” He walked toward her and wrapped her in a tight hug, moving her back to the bedroom without much effort.

  She lifted to her toes and pressed her lips to his, needing so badly to feel passion from him for something other than his business.

  He opened his mouth and leaned into the kiss, pressing his tongue along hers and groaning as he tugged at the belt on her robe and pulled it from her shoulders.

  “So beautiful. All mine.” He leaned down and brushed his fingers over her nipple before pulling it into her mouth and following her down to the bed. She pulled at his shirt, and he moved back, unbuttoning it as he watched her.

  “I love you.” He reached down and ran his fingers down her swollen tummy. “Both of you.”

  “I know.” She let a few tears go. “I'm just tired, and I'm worried about my dad.”

  “He's going to be okay. Forgive me for snapping at you. I swear I can't seem to control myself around you. I'll try harder.” He moved down and kissed her tummy before gripping her thighs tightly and opening them. “So hot.”

  “I don't want you to control yourself around me. I just need sleep.” She reached down and touched the side of his face. “Make love to me.”

  “Fuck yes.” He moved down between her legs and licked at her, groaning low in his chest as he pressed his strong hands to her inner thighs. His licks grew almost frantic, and the sensuality of watching him enjoy himself almost forced her to come. She cried out as he sucked her clit into his mouth and glanced up at her, the look in his eyes saying sorry so much better than words ever could.

  She came hard, her back arching as she lifted up off the bed and cried out.

  He mumbled against her as he continued to lick and suck at her.

  “Enough,” she groaned and pressed herself against him, her actions contradicting her words entirely.

  “Never enough.” He flicked his tongue across her before moving back and working on his slacks. “Roll over, baby. Get comfortable and let me touch you while we make love.”

  “Mmmmmm...” Pleasure rolled through her as she turned over and got on her knees. Pressing her hands to the bed, she glanced over her shoulder to see him naked and proud. His body was beyond delicious, and the thought of turning around and taking him in her mouth was almost enough to do it. Almost.

  He crawled up on the bed and ran his hands over her ass and lower back. “Damn, I'm a lucky man.”

  They groaned in tandem as she lifted her ass and he pressed deep inside of her. His hands tightened on her soft curves as he pressed down with his initial thrust.

  She let out a shaky sigh and let her head fall forward. Why making love to him left her calm and centered was a mystery, but with where she was emotionally over work and her father, she needed it. Needed him.

  “Touch me,” she whispered and pressed back on him as he pulled out.

  “I'm going to, baby. All over.” He leaned over the top of her and pressed one hand to the bed beside her balled-up fist. The other gripped her breast, massaging and tugging softly as he worked her into a wet mess. “How are you tight every time? We fuck like rabbits.”

  “Shhhh...” She arched her hips, working him from her angle as best she could. The pressure was incredible and, accompanied with the power of his thrust, she found herself coming again quickly.

  “Come for me.” He drilled himself into her and moved up, gripping her hips tightly. “Tell me if I hurt you, Jamie.”

  “You're not. Just don't stop.” She tried to catch her breath, loving how winded he left her. Of all the men she'd taken to her bed over the years, no one was like Alex Reid. Between the size of his cock and his confidence when making love... he was the pinnacle of ecstasy, and he was hers. Forever.

  “I'm not going to, baby. I'm close to coming, so build it up again and come with me.” He ran one hand up her back, gripping the back of her neck as he lifted a little higher, creating a whole new sensation that sparked electricity deep inside of her.

  “Like that. Just like that.” She gripped the sheets and bounced backward on him, forgetting the argument from earlier completely. They would always be able to let things go and get over the trivial. They just had to get naked.

  “Come, Jamie! This is it for me.” He yelled as his body exploded, sending her over the edge just by the sound of it.

  They worked each other until he moved back and she lay down on her side with a large exhale. He moved up behind her and cuddled her against him, kissing and licking at the side of her neck.

sp; “If this is the result of us arguing, I'm going to pick a fight every day.” He laughed and tightened his arms around her.

  “Please do.” She smiled and let her eyes close. “I'm going to sleep for a little while and then go to the hospital.”

  “I'll go with you.” He kissed her cheek.

  “No, go take care of the situation with Paul. I'll be fine. I promise.” She turned her face enough to get a quick kiss from him and then settled back down as sleep took her under.


  Her sister had left the hospital an hour before Jamie got there, or so her mother had bitched for about ten minutes when she arrived.

  “Mom. Can I have a minute alone with Dad?” Jamie stopped outside of the ICU door as her mother moved in behind her. Everyone else had already seen her dad. Her nap went from an hour to three, and she was late, which didn't bode well. Nothing ever did with her mother anyway.

  “I guess.” Her mom gave her a look and turned to walk back down the hall. By the way she carried herself, Jamie knew she was tired. Too tired to fight, which was almost a good place to keep the woman.

  Jamie waited a minute, trying to settle her racing heart before pushing the door open and walking in. Her dad was hooked up to a ton of machines, most of which were beeping or making loud noises.

  Tears filled her eyes as she moved toward him. The color of his skin was concerning, and his eyes were wide as if he was scared to death.

  “Daddy?” She moved to his side and reached out, touching his hand. It was bloated, as was the rest of him.

  He gave her a weak smile, but didn't say anything.

  The nurse across from her pressed a button on the machine closest her. “He's doing great. This was an intense procedure that they put him through. It's going to take a few days before he's able to catch his breath and really start talking again.”

  “Okay,” Jamie whispered as tears dripped down her face. She reached up and touched the side of her dad's cheek. “I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, okay?”

  A tear ran down her dad's cheek, which ripped her open inside. She pressed her teeth into her bottom lip to keep from crying, and moved in closer, rubbing the side of his cheek to wipe away the tear. “The doctors and nurses said you did really great. I'm so proud of you.” She gave him a weak smile as he watched her with glassy eyes.


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