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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Page 8

  “No pumpkin?” She smirked as she moved back and wiped away her tears.

  “All the above.” He leaned back and patted her leg. “Get out of here, and when the time comes for me to leave I'll probably take you and Alex up on coming to stay with you for a few days or so. I don't think I'm ready to get an apartment just yet. I'm still a little nervous about going to sleep and not waking up.”

  Jamie stifled the need to console him, and simply nodded before standing. “Okay. You just let us know, and we'll come right over.”

  “I know you will. Thank you. I love you.” He reached up and touched the side of her face as she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Go around the house and save yourself from coming face to face with the fire-breathing monster.”

  “Dad.” Jamie rolled her eyes as she pulled out her phone and her keys.

  “I'm serious. She's lost her wedding ring and swears you took it. Go around the house and save yourself a useless fight.”

  She laughed. “Why would I take her wedding ring?” She glanced at the house and gate at the side of the house. “Okay, I think I’ll follow your advice and sneak out the gate.” Jamie walked around the house, not at all surprised to hear that her mother was having a fit over losing something, and of course blaming her. She texted Alex that she would meet him at home, and got in her car, grateful that the visit was over, but worried more than she had been before getting there.

  Whereas her dad was a strong man, her mom was extremely manipulative and wouldn't retract her claws without a fight. In her dad's condition, the last thing he needed was a fight.


  “Jamie?” Alex called out from somewhere in the house as she walked in and locked the front door behind her.

  “Yeah, it's me.” She hung her purse up by the front door and slipped off her sandals before walking through the house to find him. Jake ran up and jumped all around her, barking until she knelt and petted him. “Hi, my boy. How are you?”

  “I'm good.” Alex stood at the entrance to the kitchen in a pair of slacks and nothing else.

  Jamie let her eyes roam over the thick swell of his abs and chest, the hours in the gym and his natural build leaving him to look like sex incarnate. His sexy smile combined with the nice tan he'd gotten over the last few weeks from being outside and at home on Saturdays left her toes curling. “Yeah, you're real good. I should know.” She rose to her feet and took a step toward him as he approached her.

  He wrapped her up tightly in a hug and kissed her deeply as she melted against him. Every time she saw him, her heart fluttered, her body warmed. She could only pray that it would always be like that.

  “How was your visit with the family?” He moved back, but didn't release her.

  She gazed up at him as her fingers played along the strong muscles of his back. “It was a visit with the crazy house.” She grinned, breathing in deeply and lifted an eyebrow. “Do I smell pasta?”

  “You do.” He kissed her again and released her, turning and walking back into the kitchen. “I got you something. Go put it on and join me in the kitchen. I'm making dinner for you.”

  “Hmmm... Sounds interesting.” She turned and walked to the bedroom, half expecting to find a nightie on the bed. Instead there was a pretty dark blue cotton dress. She smiled and ran her hand over the front of it, enjoying how incredibly soft it was.

  “You like it?” He moved into the bedroom and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “It's a type of cotton that feels like silk. They were selling them at the golf club. Crazy, right?”

  “I love it.” She wrapped her arms around his as he held her. “I love even more that you thought about me.”

  “Of course I did.” He kissed the side of her face and moved back, gripping her hips and turning her as he worked on her jeans before tugging her shirt over her head. He smiled as he cupped her belly. “Beautiful.”

  “You like the little bump?” She smiled and reached back, removing her bra and tossing it onto the floor.

  “Oh yeah. It's incredibly sexy on you.” He moved down to his knees and wrapped his arms back around her, leaning in and pressing his cheek against her tummy. “Do you think the joke’s on us?”

  “What do you mean?” She ran her fingers through his hair before leaning over to press her cheek to the top of his head.

  “That the twins are a girl and a boy. My Lilliana and your Benton?” he chuckled, and Jamie couldn't help but join him.

  “That would be rich.” She kissed his head once more before standing up.

  He lifted a little and teased one of her nipples with his tongue before cupping her breasts and massaging softly. “I want you to relax tonight and let's just have a good dinner together. After that, I'll get you in a hot bath and then we're going to do anything you're up for.” He stood up and reached around her, grabbing the dress and lifting it over her head. She lifted her hands and stepped closer, kissing him as he worked the dress over her hands and pulled it down her body.

  “I'm up for everything where you're concerned.” She slid her hands over his hips and up his back as she pressed herself to the front of him.

  “Good. I like the sound of that.”

  “My dad's leaving my mom.” She hadn't meant to blurt it out, but he had a way of leaving her raw and completely open when it was just the two of them.

  His eyes widened a little. “Wow. Really? Didn't he try that last year, and he went back within a few weeks?”

  “Yeah, but he said that when he thought he was dying, staying with her was the one thing he regretted.” Tears swam in Jamie's vision. “I'm sorry. I'm just worn out from all of it.”

  “Oh, baby. That's horrible.” He wiped at her tears and kissed the tip of her nose. “Did you tell him that we're here for him?”

  “Yeah. He said he would call when he was physically strong enough to leave her. I think he's just going to have to work on getting his strength back at this point.”

  Alex nodded. “Good. He’s a grown man; he knows what to do. He’s not the kind of guy to rely on his daughter to deal with his marriage issues. I respect him and what he’s dealt with.” He shook his head and straightened. “Don’t worry about, okay? He’ll be alright. How about we enjoy our awesome marriage? Let's go have some pasta and enjoy our time together. This thing your dad is doing is probably the best thing he could do. Your mom is...”

  “I know. No need to find the right word. I'm not sure it exists.” They turned and walked to the kitchen with his arm over her shoulders and hers around his waist.

  “You're nothing like her, so don't even go down that path.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead before releasing her and walking toward the stove. “Now, get a glass of the sparkling grape juice I got for you, and go have a seat while I plate this up.”

  “Let me help you.” She started for the stove as he lifted his hand.

  “No. I want to serve you. Go sit down.” He let his eyes move across her. “I'll serve you dinner, and you serve me in the bedroom.”

  “Wow. That was hot.” She turned on her heel and half jogged to the table. There was nothing in the world she'd rather do than serve Alex Reid in the bedroom. Good thing she got to for the rest of her life.

  Chapter 11

  “That was delicious, Alex. You've been holding back on these mad cooking skills.” She dipped her bread- stick in the sauce that was left on her plate and took a bite as she glanced up, to find him watching her.

  “I just need to find more time to be here at the house. Then I can cook for you all the time.” He licked his lips and leaned back in his chair. “You're beautiful. Did you know that?”

  Warmth filled the center of her, and she nodded. “Only because you tell me all the time.”

  “Good. I want you to know.” He got up and gathered up their plates as she relaxed in her chair. “I'll do the dishes. You go start a bubble bath.”

  “No. I'll do them. You start the bath.” She nabbed the last breadstick, tore it in half, and nibbled
on it as she walked into the kitchen. He looked too good to be real, standing at the kitchen sink with nothing more than slacks and an opened button-down shirt on. She finished the bread pinched between her fingers and slid her hands around his waist to rest them on the tightness of his muscular stomach. “I'm so lucky that you're mine. I would never have thought a girl like me could end up with a man like you.”

  He chuckled and glanced over his shoulder. “You make me sound old.”

  “I do?” She squeezed him and released her hold on him before moving up and bumping him with her hip. “You're not old, but I think men get sexier with age.”

  “You do, hmm?” He leaned in for a quick kiss on her cheek before turning and walking out into the living room. “My wife likes old guys. Interesting.”

  She laughed. “I didn't say old guys. I said you.”

  “So now you really are calling me old. I see how it goes.” His voice faded as he left her in the kitchen.

  The silence was nice, and the lingering smell of garlic delicious. The evening couldn't have gone better. Being alone with Alex for a few hours with the two of them focused on each other was exactly what she needed. No talking about the office or Mark or her parents; just laughing and telling a few funny stories from their childhoods.

  Jake moved up and rubbed his body along her leg before sniffing at her feet.

  “You hungry buddy?” She walked to the table to get him a piece of sausage from Alex's pasta, but stopped at Alex cleared his throat.

  “No feeding him people food. You know that.” He smirked as she turned to give him a look. “I knew he liked you better because you were breaking the rules for him. Typical woman.”

  “What? He likes me better because I take him out for walks. He loves MacBane most of all.” She plucked a piece of sausage off her plate and knelt down, feeding it to Jake as she glanced up at Alex. “And don't tell me to follow the rules. It's the one thing that will ensure that I don't.”

  “A rebel, hmm? Seems like I might have to break you of that.” He walked toward her and reached out, taking her arms in his hands as he leaned down and kissed her hard.

  “Wow. What's all this aggressive bedroom talk about?” She pressed her hands to his chest before pushing his shirt over the thick swell of his shoulders. “I mean, I like it, but it's different.”

  “I don't know. I just really like the idea of you being pregnant and belonging to me.” He smirked and leaned down to kiss her a few times. He moved the soft press of his lips from hers to run along the side of her neck.

  Chill bumps raced over her skin, and she let out a subtle moan that earned her a growl. His mood was sexy, and something she planned to fully explore.

  “Let's get you in the tub.” He moved back and took her hand. “You feeling good enough for me to spend some time reminding you just how much I adore your body?”

  “Are you kidding me? I'd have to be on my deathbed to turn down that offer, and even then...”

  He chuckled and turned off the kitchen light, tugging her to move up beside him as he intertwined his fingers with hers. “I can't wait until the babies are born.”

  The sound of excitement in his voice caused her heart to constrict in her chest. Never in a million years would she have pegged 'Alex Reid - Most Eligible Bachelor' as a guy who wanted to hear the sound of little feet down the hall in the mornings, but that's exactly who he was.

  “I can't either.” She paused by the room that would soon become the nursery, and flipped on the light. “I'm ready to start decorating for them. They're going to be here before we know it.”

  He wrapped his strong arms around her and slid his hands over her tummy to cup her mound. “I think that's a great idea, but right now I want to practice making more babies. Stop denying me.”

  “Deny you? Never.” She pressed her hands over his and undulated her hips, pressing herself against him. “I like the idea of us making babies. You're getting in the tub with me, right?”

  “You want me to?” He moved back and tugged at her before turning and walking into their bedroom. She walked in behind him and closed the door as he started to work on his belt.

  “Of course I do.” She tugged her dress over her head and slipped out of her panties before walking to the bathroom.

  “Damn, you're fine, woman. So wicked hot.” He walked in behind her, surprising her by his nearness as he reached out and caressed her rear.

  “I'm worried about gaining weight. It took so damn long to get it off.” She stepped into the warm bubble bath and let out a sigh as she sank down into the warmth it offered. “Damn, I love baths. Get in here before I melt.”

  “No melting, please.” He got in behind her, lifting her up a little so he could reposition her between his thighs better.

  She snuggled against him and leaned back as his arms encircled her again. The hardness of his erection pressed into her back, and she wiggled a little, trying to find a comfortable position.

  “Hey. That wiggling around is stroking me. Not sure if we're being kinky, but whatever is happening, it's working.” He slid his hands over her sides to cup her breasts. His lips grazed her ear, and she shivered and slid back and forth, making more of an effort to tease him now that she knew it was getting to him.

  “Good. I like the idea of driving you crazy with lust.” She turned her face enough to gain access to his soft lips.

  He pressed his mouth to hers, cupping her chin and working her lips open with his tongue before diving in deep. A moan rolled from her as she arched into his touch and enjoyed the way he made love to her mouth so expertly.

  “Why did I think this was a good idea?” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I wanted us to relax, and all I can think about is getting you out of here and making love to you until you can't walk right.”

  “It's foreplay.” She reached down and pressed her hands on his thighs, lifting herself up and rubbing her ass along his shaft. “Give me what I want.”

  “Uh, yeah.” He gripped the bottom of her rear with one hand and pressed himself into her, pulling her down with the other hand as he filled her completely. “How do you do this to me every time? It's almost unbearable how good you feel, baby.”

  “I understand completely.” She pressed her teeth into her bottom lip and rocked against him, massaging his body with hers as his hands moved over her slippery skin in slow, greedy movements. His fingers ran over her thigh and into the curls between her legs as she opened herself up more for him.

  “Ride it, Jamie,” he whispered against her back.

  He didn't have to ask twice. She used her grip on the side of the tub to pull off of him and slid back down over and over until they were both panting loudly.

  “It's so fucking hot in here.” He gripped her hips. “Let's get out and take this to the bed.”

  “Okay.” She got up and stepped out of the tub, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her as he splashed himself to get all of the bubbles off.

  She couldn't help but move back and watch him. Every inch of his hard body was something out of her deepest wet dream, and yet there he was... completely hers. Not only hers, but her husband. The father of her unborn children.

  Tears filled her eyes. Alex glanced up and tilted his head a little.

  “What's the matter, baby? You okay?” He got out of the tub and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist quickly and moving up to pull her into a hug. “Talk to me.”

  “I'm just overwhelmed,” she squeaked out. “In a good way.”

  “Oh, okay.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head a few times. “Let's get in the bed and keep overwhelming you then.”

  “You're just full of smart comebacks tonight, aren't you?” She laughed and turned, walking to the bed. She tugged her towel off of her and crawled into the cold sheets before turning over and lying on her back. The vision of him crawling up the bed with a hungry look in his eyes left her body tightening in anticipation of feeling him deep inside of her again. She arched her back and stret
ched her arms above her. “I feel good. Really good.”

  “I’d like to feel you really good.” He moved up and hovered above her. “Tell me if I squish your tummy, okay?”

  “Hush.” She pulled him down and wrapped her legs around him as he pressed into her. The look on his face as he started to work her was beautiful, mesmerizing.

  “Stop telling me what to do, woman.” He smirked and kissed her a few times before settling down on top of her. “Just hold on tight.”

  “I'm not letting go. Not ever.” She arched her back and worked him from beneath him as he kept the pace slow and steady. Pleasure built deep inside of her within a few minutes, and she dug her fingers into his back. “Faster, baby. Fuck me faster.”

  He pressed his mouth to hers as she picked up his speed, drilling into her as the world exploded around her. She tried to pull back to let out a string of moans, but he wouldn't let her. The intimacy of his face so close to hers forced the orgasm to continue as electricity danced along her nerve endings.

  He moaned against her lips and closed his eyes as he came with her. They never could last too long together, but it didn't matter. Alex would hold her for a few minutes and pull her back down for another hour or so of pleasure. One time was never enough.


  Jamie lay in the dark beside him as he slept soundly. She reached over and brushed her fingers along his face, wishing there was more than a few minutes before the alarm was going to go off. Monday always showed up far too fast for her liking, but, unlike most people, she worked for the man she loved.

  A smile touched her lips at the thought. She had access to his office through the private door in her office, and planned on using it more often. He wasn’t shy about closing his door and giving her anything she wanted, usually when she wanted it.

  “I love you,” he whispered, surprising her.

  “You're awake?” She moved closer and kissed him a few times as he wrapped his warm arm around her and snuggled up.

  “Yeah. I was staring at you half the night like a creeper, but I fell asleep.” He turned his face from her and yawned. “I didn't get much sleep last night. I swear it feels like we're still dating. I'm hoping that sometime over the next ten years I can figure out how to make love to you once and then actually get some sleep.”