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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6) Page 9

  She pressed her lips to the side of his neck and sucked softly before whispering into his ear. “I hope that never happens.”

  “Such a bad girl.” He leaned down and kissed her one more time. “Want to take a shower with me?”

  “No, but I'll go start the coffee.” She rolled over and let out a yelp as he popped her butt.

  “It's weird seeing you in the morning. Usually I can move all around the room and you don't budge. What gives?”

  “No clue. I just woke up and decided that staring at you like a stalker would be a great way to start the day, and I was right.” She flipped on the light and smiled as he hissed like a cat.

  She walked into the kitchen as Jake got up from his bed and stretched.

  “Morning, buddy.” She worked on the coffee while he moved up to lick at her legs. “You and I don't get up this early, usually, do we?”

  A knock at the door surprised her a little, and she had to jog to the bedroom to grab her robe before opening it. Mark stood out in the darkness of the early morning, a warm smile on his face and a white bag in his extended hand.

  “What are you doing up?” He walked in as Jamie moved back. “Is the apocalypse coming?”

  “What's this?” She took the bag and lifted it to her nose, breathing in deeply and groaning. “Are these fresh donuts?”

  “They sure are.” He walked to the coffee pot in the kitchen. “I bring them for me and Alex every Monday morning, but I picked up extra this morning. Guess I knew that you’d be up somehow.” He tapped his head. “Mental telepathy. In your sleep you were calling to me for Krispy Kremes.”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I was doing after I had sex with your brother.”

  He covered his ears. “TMI, Jamie. TMI.” She shrugged, and Mark rolled his eyes before sitting down at the breakfast bar and pulling out a cinnamon-sugar cake donut. “Here, you can have the first one.”

  She took it and sat beside him. “It's still hot. I'm in heaven.” She took a bite and glanced over to see Alex watching her with his eybrow lifted.

  “That's mine.” He walked toward her and leaned down, biting the edge of the donut as she jerked it away and laughed.

  “No, it's not. He brought me one, too.” She pushed the bag toward him. “Here's yours.”

  “You brought extra?” Alex glanced over his shoulder.

  “Yep, and now she knows our secret.” He shrugged and lifted his coffee cup to his mouth. “How much you wanna bet she's going to start setting her alarm to get up on Monday mornings just in the hopes of scoring a hot donut?”

  “No need to bet.” Jamie examined the treat before taking another big bite and licking at the sugar that crusted her lips. “It's going to happen.”

  Chapter 12

  They rode to the office altogether, which was a new experience but a pleasant one. Alex listened to talk radio the whole way, and Mark chattered about everything and nothing. Jamie tried to keep up and stay involved in the conversation, but it was too early in the morning. She finally resorted to staring out the window and resting her head against the plush leather of Alex's Lexus.

  “Don't forget that we have meetings all day, that investor luncheon, and then the presentation to our shareholders about the possibility of a hostile takeover today.” Alex turned back to look at her after he'd parked the car in the large garage right next to the building. “I'll need both of you helping me.”

  “Sounds good. I'm here for anything you need. You know that.” Jamie got out of the car and ran her fingers through her hair as she waited on the guys. Alex might not have gotten much sleep, but he needed a whole lot less than she did. The need to be grumpy rolled over her, but she dismissed it.

  “Are you concerned about the possibility of a takeover? I mean, is it really likely that something like that would happen without your consent?” Mark asked as they walked toward the front door.

  “Anything is possible. One thing I've learned over the last year is that even though you think you know people, you probably don't. It's a shitty lesson to learn, but I'm grateful for Nicholas teaching it to me.” Alex opened the door as Jamie and Mark shuffled inside.

  “What does you knowing someone or not knowing them have to do with anything?” Jamie asked just before they moved through security.

  “Because the firm is owned by shareholders. I own forty-nine percent of the stock, but they have more power than I think you guys realize. If enough of them decided to sell their shares to another company... we could end up in a really bad position.” He pressed the button on the elevator and turned to face them as he slid his hands into his pockets.

  “What's the likelihood of the other owners selling their shares to one company with the understanding that it would screw you?” Mark crossed his arms over his chest. “That honestly doesn't seem like a possibility at all.”

  “You'd think it wasn't, but I'm telling you, shit like this happens all the time.” Alex held the door as it opened, and Jamie couldn't help but reach out and touch the side of his face before moving by him.

  “It's going to be okay, baby. Don't get too stressed today.” She leaned in and kissed him softly.

  “I know. I'm working on it, but it's a big deal. I've worked my whole adult life to build this place into what it is.” He moved out of the elevator and winked at her. “Go get the conference room set up. Have Mark help you. I'm going to work with Justin on keeping the agenda and making sure we don't get off schedule today.”

  “Alright. I love you.” She walked down the hall and called out to Mark. “We're in charge of making sure—”

  “I heard him. Let me grab another cup of coffee and I'll meet you there.” The sound of Mark's voice left her with no other conclusion than the fact that he really wasn't happy. She could understand it perfectly. If Mark was anything like Alex, then he had an entrepreneurial spirit that wouldn't rest until he birthed something great in the business realm. Alex would have been depressed to do the mundane job that his brother was given to do most days of the week, too.

  It was almost eerie how much they were alike, and yet they thought they were so different from one another.

  Jamie checked her messages quickly and made some notes before walking back up to talk with Justin for a minute. Alex wasn't anywhere to be seen, and his office door was shut, so she had to assume he was preparing for his long day of talking to the top shareholders, and then presenting to the group at large later that afternoon.

  “Here's a list of people we need to call to confirm their lunch order. I had a few messages this morning, and there were some concerns on dietary restrictions and such.” She put the paper down in front of him. “And good morning. Sorry. I swear when Alex gets in business-mode, we all do.”

  “It's all good.” He glanced down at his watch. “I'm a little surprised to see you here so early. Is it because of the meetings today?”

  “Pretty much. I haven't been able to sleep past six the last few days.” She shrugged.

  “My sister starting waking up really early, like five every morning when she was pregnant with her kids. Might be your hormones or something.” He stood up and twisted, popping his back.

  “Really? That's horrible. I don't want to start getting up early. Sleep is heavenly. It's almost better than—” She stopped before she blurted out that sex was at the top of her list to Alex's new male secretary.

  “Than chocolate?” He saved her, but the smirk on his face said he knew he'd done so.

  “Yep. Chocolate.” She turned on her heel and walked away to the sound of him laughing softly. He was a good guy, and would be great for the firm. Now they just had to make sure that he stayed with them and didn't get the bright idea to move back home or take a position somewhere else.

  Jamie stopped by Paul's office and let out a short sigh. He'd been gone for a few weeks, and already the office felt different. Something about his excitement to be there and his respect for Alex make her like him all the more as a person. Gina was gone, Kristen, and now Paul.r />
  “And soon Mark will be gone.” She tried to hide her depressing thoughts, but obviously didn't do a good job of it.

  “What's on your mind?” Mark's voice caught her off guard.

  “Just being depressing. This is what happens when I get up too early. The positive, happy side of my personality is still asleep at home.” She shrugged and moved around the room, placing an agenda in front of each seat.

  “Okay, so what are you depressed about; something to do with your family per usual?” He moved up to the front and turned on the laptop that they would be using for the presentation.

  “I just enjoy working with everyone here. I hate that people keep leaving. It's not the same, you know?” She finished up her task and moved up beside him. “Am I flipping slides for the big guy, or are you?”

  “You can. I'll dick it up and then have to hear about it for the next year. He's not going to say anything to you other than thanks.” Mark gave her a smile and moved back. “I'm not leaving just yet either. I know Alex needs me right now, and I'm good with that. I just want to start dreaming about next steps, you know?”

  “I get that.” Jamie glanced up to see Candace stop in the open door.

  “Morning guys. There's a guy out front with lots of bagels and coffee. You want him to bring everything in here or the conference room across the way?” She glanced from Jamie to Mark, and her expression softened just a little. It wasn't something Jamie would have noticed unless she was staring at the girl, but she was.

  Was something going on between Mark and Candace? Mark was a great-looking guy, and Candace seemed to be a lot of fun. Definitely cute, but not really the type of girl Jamie would have assumed Mark would have been attracted to. Kristen? Yes. Candace... not really.

  “Across the room is good. Thanks for the help.” Jamie waited until the girl was out of the room to turn her attention onto Mark. “What's going on between the two of you?”

  He looked up from reading through an agenda. “Huh? Oh, Candace? Nothing. Why?”

  “Just curious. The way she looked at you said that maybe something was going on.” Jamie tried not to let the smirk that tugged at her lips rise up her face, but she lost the battle.

  “I don't kiss and tell. You know that.” He shrugged. “I'm one of the good guys.”

  “I'd almost pay to hear that story.” She walked toward him and reached up, wiping something off his jacket. “You need to find a good woman.”

  “Yes, Mother.” He tugged at a strand of her hair and walked to the door. “I'm going to go help Candace with the heavy lifting. It impresses women when you can carry a bunch of bagels without breaking a sweat.”

  Jamie laughed and shook her head, loving the guy like the brother she’d never had. The delight in getting to marry someone like Alex was only compounded when she thought about how great his brother was. Now if only he were happy working with them. There wasn't anyone that Alex would trust more to help him run his company.

  No one but her.


  “And that's one of the main points I want you to take from here today. We're not for sale. We'll never be for sale, and if you're approached by anyone at any time and they request that you sell your shares to them... walk away. Unless it’s an insane amount of money”,” Alex added as a joke. “But seriously, we've increased the stock in this company a hundred-fold since we opened. A lot of you are rich, and you're rich because I'm a strong business man without the willingness to back down. We are going to continue to grow, but not if you start siphoning off shares.” Alex glanced around the packed room as Jamie stood at the back with Mark.

  Alex didn't want either of them working the slide presentation for him. He wanted to do it himself. She was grateful for the fact now that she got to stand at the back of the room and fully take him in. He was brilliant and stunning, especially when he was in front of an intimidating group of people, swaying them.

  She pressed her fingers to her lips as intense gratefulness rolled over her. He was a tiger, a strong, vicious businessman who could change the investment industry if he pushed hard enough. Yet, at home, he was just a man. A man who loved her so deeply that it poured off of him. He was also so fucking hot. She’d have sex with him right now, in front of everyone if he asked. Focus, Jamie. Alex was unbelievably skilled, in everything.

  “Are you tearing up?” Mark leaned in and whispered in her ear.

  She shook her head, slightly embarrassed as she glanced over at him. “Maybe. I love him so much. I think it overwhelms me sometimes.”

  “Can you clone yourself? I want a woman to love me like that.” Mark smiled.

  “No cloning. But your brother’s sexy hot as hell. No way I’m letting anyone clone him.” She fanned herself, feeling her body heat up and react to the images of Alex in her head.

  Mark nodded toward the door. “You look like you could use a cool glass of water. Let's get out of here for a few minutes. I need to breathe air that isn't tainted with the smell of rich cologne and stale coffee.”

  She nodded and followed him out as something fluttered inside her tummy. She stopped outside the door and pressed her hand to her stomach. “Oh my gosh. I think I just felt the baby. Or babies.”

  “No way. Really?” He moved to stand in front of her and reached out, stopping just before touching her. “Can I?”

  “Of course you can, silly.” She took his hand and pressed it to her stomach.

  The babies, or one of them, moved around again and she glanced up at Mark. “Did you feel it?”

  “I think so. I don't know.” His eyes were wide with wonder. “No, no, tell them to do it again.”

  She laughed and swatted him away. “It doesn't work like that. You're so ridiculous.”

  “Twins.” He sighed and walked with her to the coffee bar. “Did you ever think that you guys would have twins?”

  “Not in a million years. I always thought that you had to have a history of twins in your family to expect them again.” Jamie got a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and turned to watch Mark study the soda machine.

  “We have twins. My paternal grandfather was a twin.” He pushed a button and turned. “Alex didn't tell you that?”

  “No. I don't think he remembered to be honest.” She took another sip as her stomach growled.

  “Maybe not. He wasn't around much as a kid. At least, not after Momma died.” Mark popped the top on his soda and took a long drink. “You guys have plans tonight?”

  “No, I don't think so.” She pulled her phone out as it buzzed. Christine. Great. Now what? “We can go to dinner and hang out if you want to”.” She pulled the phone up and rolled her eyes. “I gotta take this, but let's plan on dinner at someplace good tonight after we clean up from all of this stuff.”

  “Alright. That sounds good.” He took another long sip of his drink and turned as Candace walked in the other entrance to the break room.

  Jamie couldn't help but notice the way her eyes lit up when she saw Mark. It was interesting if nothing else. “Christine?” Jamie walked back to her office, making sure to keep her voice down.

  “Hey,” her sister mumbled. “I was just sitting here thinking about everything and I needed to know if you let Stephen tape you guys... you know...”

  “What?” Jamie closed the door behind her in her office and tried to think of a way to get off the phone with her delusional sister. That the bitch would have to ask such a question meant that she didn't know Jamie at all. “Of course not.”

  “I just can't seem to let it go. You know, the idea that after you guys broke up, that he would keep them. Why? Why is it always about you?” Her sister's words didn't match her tone at all. Christine was far beyond depressed and needed some help. There was no way Jamie was calling her mom and dealing with her, nor her father, knowing where he was emotionally in his own life. That left her. “It's not about me. It never was. It's about making himself feel good. He's a lot like Mom, Christine. He craves attention, and whoever has to get hurt in the pr
ocess to get as much attention as he can doesn't matter to him. I’m the one getting my name dragged through the mud.”

  “I just feel like if I could see the tapes, then I could stop thinking that I'm married to a manipulating, lying piece of shit.” She let out a long sigh.

  “You don’t need to see the tapes.” The thought disgusted her. “I hate that you're depressed, but let’s be honest, I'm not the right person to help you out of it. You can't stand me. Call one of your friends or something. We're lucky I haven't set you off yet, but I'm sure if we keep talking about Stephen, it's coming.” Jamie ran her fingers down her face as she stopped by the windows looking over the city on the far side of her office. She pressed her forehead against the glass and prayed that the conversation would be over soon.

  “Awesome. Mom's locked in her bedroom because she can't be bothered, Dad is staring at the bluebirds in the backyard, and you're not willing to talk to me. I just love this family. Forget that I called.” The phone went dead, and Jamie let out an angry growl.

  Why did everything have to circle back to her crazy-ass family?

  She called her father out of worry for her sister. The call went to voice mail, but she decided to leave a sweet message and had to hope that he would come out of his funk enough to make sure that Christine was okay.

  “Dad, it's me. Christine called and seemed upset. Can you please check on her for me? I'm stuck at work. Text me and let me know if she's okay, or if she needs me. Love you.”

  She would give him an hour, and then she was heading over to the house. Something told her that her sister was desperate, and that something was the other woman's willingness to reach out to Jamie, which never happened.


  Chapter 13

  “You okay, baby?” Alex reached over and touched Jamie's lower back as they walked to a table at the back of her favorite steak restaurant.