Stronger (The University of Gatica #4) Read online

Page 6

  "What?" Confusion moved across his handsome features.

  "Come with me to the party tomorrow night?"

  "Don't you think Jason would be a little less than thrilled with that?"

  "Don’t worry about Jason. I can handle my brother. It's in Manhattan. It's from six to like eight. Just food and hanging out with lots of random strangers."

  "And then you'll come back to my place after?”

  "I'm not sleeping with you, Ryan. I was teasing earlier, but I'm not that kind of girl."

  He reached over and touched her chin, his thumb rubbing the bottom of her lip as they stood there. "Sex doesn't define you as a person, Chrissy. It's an expression of passion. If we get caught up in each other, then sex will work its way into the night. If not, that's perfect to. I'll come with you if you come with me."

  "Let me think about it." She smiled and moved from him, working hard to catch her breath as they made their way to the door. The idea of dealing with Jason wasn't nearly as traumatizing as the thought of being with him at his dad's house all night. She wasn't sure it was a good idea at all. She didn't know him and he could have easily been spewing all sorts of made-up crap for the last few hours.

  "You want me to take you to your dorm?"

  "Yeah, I can't drive just yet. That should be a while too, thanks to this being my right leg." She growled softly as she moved out into the late afternoon.

  "It’ll all happen soon. Just take your time and stick to the program." He lifted his arms into the air, one going higher than the other. "I have a few more weeks of pushing then my shoulder should be as good as new."

  "Looks like you've made great progress." She got into the car and waited until he was in to pick up her thoughts. "Did you tear your rotator cuff?"

  "Yeah, in three places. They had to repair my bicep as well. Due to the instability of the damn thing they sawed my cuff down, so I've been working with Jamie to loosen it back up. It's working. He's a good weight room coach."

  "Then you're going back to Boston once the holidays are over?" Chrissy buckled as she spoke, trying hard not to let her thoughts betray her. The idea of getting involved with him was riding her emotions hard. She wanted to try again, needed to feel that overwhelming emotion that love offered, but if he was just going to help her create that and leave… she wasn’t going through heart break again. The damn thing was too sensitive.

  He looked over at her, his brow creasing slightly. "That's the plan for now. Why? You falling in love with me already?"

  "Not even close, buddy." She laughed and swatted at him, popping his shoulder.

  He flinched and let out a sound of pain, his other hand cupping the shoulder as if she stabbed him. She turned toward him, reaching over to softly rub his arm.

  "Oh crap. I totally forgot. I'm so sorry, Ryan."

  He laughed and moved to start the car. "It's the other shoulder."

  "You donkey! Is it really?"

  "No, but it didn't hurt. I was going to ask for a kiss to make it better. Missed my chance I guess."

  "I was feeling so bad I would have offered so much more than a kiss to make it all better."

  "Really?" He looked over at her, the car jerking to a stop as lust filled his gaze.

  "No, but it’s fun looking at the expression on your handsome face." She chuckled as he growled softly.

  "So you think I'm handsome..."

  She rolled her eyes and leaned her head back, letting out a small sigh. He was perfect. Handsome and cocky, damaged and alive. "Come with me tomorrow. I want to learn more about you."

  His fingers slid into hers and pulled her hand to the center console. "Spend the night with me. I want to explore every inch of you."

  "I don't even know you," she whispered, her courage gone as she looked over at him.

  "So get to know me. I'm an open book. Ask."

  She ran her thumb over his and released his hand. "I was hurt so much by my last boyfriend. I'm interested in a friendship, but nothing else. I can't protect myself from what's going to happen, but I can try, right?"

  "You can try, hell, I'll even try to behave, but I'll admit it now, I like you. I like your style and the way you carry yourself. I can't wait to see you move in the gym tomorrow. I'd love to see you on the field in your element." He glanced over at her as the familiar city moved past them outside. "You're two steps beyond hot and sarcastic as hell. I think it's me who's going to have to work at keeping my thoughts pushed toward lust and nothing else."

  "Lust is good." She smiled and turned to look out the window, wishing that the fluttering in the pit of her stomach would die down. This wasn't good... not at all.


  Chrissy almost regretted she hadn't invited Ryan in the night before, but she wasn't entirely sure how she felt about him. He was all of the things that made her want to get drunk and leave modesty at the door, which was concerning. An athlete like her, he kept his body primed and strong, ready to handle anything his opponents might throw at him. His sense of humor was spot on and his forwardness refreshing and so sexy. But he would be leaving soon. He had chosen Boston for what seemed to be a good reason and nothing would change that. Did she want him to stay? To explore what could be?

  They just met. The thoughts were irrelevant.

  She sighed as she made the final few steps toward the door of the gym, turning to see if his car was in the parking lot across the street. The red corvette sat front and center, the sight of it causing excitement to swirl in the pit of her stomach.

  "You coming in here?" he spoke as the door opened to the gym, his arm bunched with muscle as he pressed the dark glass.

  Luckily Jason had dropped her off and left right away. She hadn’t bothered to tell him Coach Jamie wouldn’t be around. "I wasn't sure if you were here. Just looking for your car." She smiled at him and walked in, being careful to not step on his toe with her crutches. She breathed in deeply. The smell of his cologne and soap left her wanting more than she was going to let herself have of him.

  "Like the smell of sweaty guys?" He laughed and moved beside her after locking the door.

  "I like the smell of you, actually." She smirked and moved to the center of the gym. A quick glance in the mirror gave her confidence that her clothes hadn't become disheveled thanks to the crutches. Her white V-neck t-shirt accentuated her breasts, her shorts tight and short. She would wear something similar if he was there or not, but to say she was dressed to impress wouldn't be a total lie. Her long blond hair was up in a high ponytail, making her look like she was still in high school. She hated that.

  "It's Axe's body wash. I read the bottle this morning. Said to get clean only to get dirty again." He laughed and walked toward a stand of balls and bands.

  "Well, that's the plan. Working out will make you stink all over again."

  "I don't think they were referring to working out, at least not the kind you have in mind." He pulled a long red band from the rack and walked toward her. "Lie on your back and let's stretch out your thigh a little, see where your flexibility is."

  "I need to get my chart from Jamie's office so I know what to do."

  "I grabbed it and reviewed it. It's on that clipboard by the leg machines." He pointed behind him. "Lie on your back and let’s do this first."

  "Are we going to take turns today?" She handed him her crutches and waited until he moved back to help her get to the ground. Clinging to his hands, she lowered herself to her butt. Chrissy laid back as her heart started to race. He was handsome when looking at him straight on, but looking up at him... breathtaking.

  He moved to his knees beside her and slipped the red band under her bandaged knee, his fingers brushing along the skin just above the wrap.

  "No. I already did my workout. I thought with the events going on tonight and stuff it would be good to get our workouts out of the way and give you time for a nap." He pushed softly on her kneecap as she stiffened. "Relax and let's see how far your knee will go. Have you straightened your leg full yet?"r />
  "No. I've tried, but it's too tight."

  "I can loosen you up. Just trust me and let me know if it begins to hurt too much, okay?" His voice was steady and commanding, but soft and drawing her in too deep, too fast.

  "Okay," she whispered, unable to speak beyond the lump rising in her chest.

  Ryan pressed down carefully, one hand rubbing under her knee, the other putting a small amount of pressure on the top of her knee. He glanced over at her, his eyes filled with question. She panted softly, the fear of pain coming far before the first signs of the actual pain showed up. She nodded and he turned back to her leg. He pushed a little further and she arched her back, her hips lifting slightly.



  "Then we stop. You're almost there though. I think you should have this in the bag. Let's get you started on these extension stretches and I'll go grab a bottle of water and a towel for you." He sat back on his heels and picked up the band, handing it to her. A loud banging came from the front door before she could answer.

  He stood and sighed. "Who the hell is trying to work out on Christmas Eve?"

  "Not me," she mumbled and worked to get the band under her knee before pulling slightly. She adverted her eyes to watch him walk toward the front. His legs were more tanned than she imagined them to be, strong muscles lining the length of them.

  "Hold on, fuck." He stopped at the door and flipped the lock, opening slightly. "The gym is closed, dude. Come back on Monday."

  "Um you're here. Move. I didn't come up here to stand at the door and talk to you, whoever you are. I came to work out before heading out of town."

  Chrissy growled and moved to sit up. Drew. He had to be the biggest ass on campus. Known for his attitude and anger problem, the asshole pole vaulter rarely had anyone around him. It wasn't a mystery as to why.

  "Closed means closed. Back up before I lock your cock in the door. Hate to kill off your chances of procreating more sweet boys like yourself." Ryan's voice held a laugh in it and Chrissy couldn't help but chuckle. A fight was sure to start. Drew always seemed to be at the center of a good fist-flying time.

  "Who do you think you are?" Drew yelled as Chrissy pulled herself up and hopped toward her crutches, pulling them under her arms and moving toward the door fast.

  "Just a dude working out on Christmas Eve. Later." Ryan started to close the door as Drew's hand pressed against the glass.

  "I'm coming in to work out. You can move or I'll move you," Drew growled.

  Chrissy moved up beside Ryan and lifted her eyebrow. "Drew. The gym’s closed unless you're in rehab. It's Christmas Eve. No one wants to start shit with you, so get out of here and come back on Monday."

  Drew laughed as he looked between Ryan and Chrissy. "I see what's happening. Are you guys actually using the machines or working each other out? I'm not going to get in your business. I'll just do my shit and you guys fuck where you need to."

  Chrissy didn't have time to react before Ryan's fist plowed into the side of Drew's mouth.

  Blood flowed instantly. Drew stumbled back and pressed his fingers to his nose. "You mother fucker. You broke my nose."

  "Good. Don't talk to the lady like that. Get the fuck outta here or I'm going to put a serious hurting on you and then you'll make your momma cry at Christmas because you're such a pussy." Ryan moved back, closing the door and locking it. He turned and winked at Chrissy.

  "Karma’s a bitch," she responded loudly and moved back down into the heart of the gym as Drew hit the door a few times, cursing loudly.

  “Pardon?” Ryan asked.

  “He popped the quarterback at a party a while back. Just nice to see what goes around—”

  "Comes around,” Ryan finished for her with a grin. “I'm going to stop by Jamie's office and call security to come pick up the trash in front of the gym. Go do twenty of your leg lifts on the machine with five pounds on each leg. It’ll be super easy on your left, but do it anyway. I'll be right over."

  Chrissy nodded, flinching each time Drew hit the door. Something was mentally wrong with him. He had a mean streak that vomited hate everywhere he went. He needed someone to whoop his ass each morning just to remind him that he wasn't the king of the world.

  "Or he needs a good woman to love him past himself." She moved to the machine and worked her legs out, pausing between reps to see if she could spot Ryan. The call must have taken longer than was intended. By the time he came walking toward her, she was done.

  Pulling herself up from the machine, Chrissy turned and smiled at him. "All done. I'm thinking a shower at home’ll work, seeing that I'm not ready to bust it here and have to call for your help."

  He laughed and reached out, his fingers brushing down her shoulder. "I think I'd enjoy that far more than you need to know."

  "I'm not surprised. How's your hand?"

  He extended his hands toward her, his knuckles swollen on both hands. "They are always messed up. Hockey is a full contact sport. When we're not playing, we're beating each other."

  "I realize that. I'm surprised you still have all of your teeth."

  "Some of them. The rest are implants, but you'd never be able to tell which."

  She pointed at him and narrowed her eyes as if analyzing which were.

  He laughed and stepped toward her, sliding his hands around her waist and peering down at her. "Let's go loosen up that tendon a little more in the sauna and then we'll go."

  "I didn't bring a suit."

  "Wear a towel or leave your clothes on if it makes you feel better. I'm not going to try anything. It's just a good practice to get into after you've worked out."

  She nodded. Wearing her clothes wouldn't be too bad, but getting sticky in them sounded gross.

  "Okay. Get it started and I'll meet you in there." She turned and hopped toward her crutches, picking them up and looking over her shoulder at him. "No trying anything on me. Got it?"

  "Scouts promise." He held up his hand in an odd symbol.

  "You were a scout?"


  "Then it has no weight when you say it."

  "Oh good. I hate to break an oath. Good to know I didn't make one." He winked and moved past her. "Get naked. I have plans for you." He winked at her again.


  Chrissy worked herself out of her clothes and wrapped a large white towel around her body. She checked herself in the mirror and made her way to the sauna, her emotions racing from calm to scared as hell. She hadn't been with anyone since Brent and not that she really expected anything to happen with Ryan, but if he made a move, she wasn't entirely sure she would stop him.

  Pressing her fingers to the door, she paused to coach herself to chill out. Ryan moved in front of the window and pressed his handsome face to the small square of glass, the fog behind him making him look ridiculous.

  "Talking yourself into it?"

  "Basically." She moved back as he opened the door. Leaving her crutches against the wall outside the room, she reached for him to help her get in. He moved in and picked her up, Chrissy letting out a soft yelp. Her towel shifted, exposing the majority of her thighs. She reached down quickly and pulled at the terrycloth.

  "Hot," he whispered, moving to sit her down on one of the benches. "Give the heat and steam a minute to get into your pores and then I'm going to rub that muscle and tendon down for you."

  "Any reason to get your hands on me..."

  "Hell yes. Is there any chance of getting my hands and mouth on you?" He laughed as she gawked at him. He had balls the size of the stadium, his own confidence beyond sexy on him.


  "Yes Ma'am." He sat across the room from her.

  His towel covered his waist, but a t-shirt covered his chest. He reached back and pulled it off as if hearing her thoughts. She bit her lip, trying not to tell him how very much she enjoyed the sight of his defined chest and abs. His skin appeared smooth and hairless, the only dusting of his dark hair running from his taut stomach i
nto the confines of the towel. Chrissy closed her eyes and let her head drop back as she reclined on the uncomfortable bench. Hormones raced through her chest and around the pit of her stomach, so many inappropriate images beckoning her to simply invite him over.

  "So are you going to spend the night with me? It's scary in that big house. I was hoping for company."

  She opened her eyes and rolled her shoulders. "You just want someone to throw at the monsters if they come for you. Let them eat me while you're running away."

  He chuckled, shrugging his large shoulders. "I’d whoop the monster’s ass and eat you myself. Sounds like a much better deal."

  Heat rose in her chest and covered her neck. She lifted her hand to rub the discomfort before shaking her head at him. "You have no filter."

  "I'm an open book. I want you and I'm not at all afraid to let you know that. Games are for children." He stood and took a tentative step toward her, his look almost predatory.

  Chrissy moved to her elbows, concern washing across her. "What’re you doing?"

  "Coming over to rub your leg. Tell me if you're spending the night with me tonight."

  "No sex."

  "Fine. No sex, unless you want it."

  "I don’t.”

  “Ah, your mouth says no but your eyes, they tell me a different story.” He straightened. “I promise to be a proper gentleman.”

  She stared at him for what seemed a long time. Finally she sighed. “I guess I can come over. That means you're coming to the lame Christmas party with me?"

  "Is Jason okay with that? I don't want to mess up someone's holiday." He hesitated. “Did you just say it was lame?”

  "He doesn't know, but I'll talk to him this afternoon." She ignored his second question.

  "I'll come. It’s part of the deal. Enough talking. Lie back and let me sooth that muscle for you."

  She dropped back on her back as he moved to stand above her. His eyes dragged down her, lust covering his beautiful face. He moved the towel up a little on her right thigh as she stiffened.


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