Stronger (The University of Gatica #4) Read online

Page 7

  "Just relax. Close your eyes and rest. I’m not going to do anything sexy."

  She did as he said, the soft brush of his fingers on her knee comforting. The unwrapping of the binding hurt a little, but she could tell he was going slowly to ensure the least amount of discomfort to her. She opened her eyes to watch him, unable to miss the opportunity to see him up close again. His finger pressed into the tender meat of her knee, rubbing and pulling as he seemed to slip into a focused pattern.

  "Good?" he whispered, his voice airy as if he were lost in the moment.

  "Yes. It feels really good. You're gifted. You should be in physical therapy."

  "Mmmhmmm." He slid his hands away from her knee, one down toward her shin, the other up her thigh just a little further. "Your skin is so smooth. Just beautiful."

  Chrissy reached out and brushed her fingers along his side, wanting to know if his skin was as soft as it looked. A soft sound of appreciation left her as she closed her eyes again. He was like silk. Dangerous.

  His touch left her leg as she opened her eyes. He moved toward her head, leaning over and sliding his fingers into her hair as he lifted it slightly and leaned over, his lips hovering above hers. "I want to kiss you. Tell me I can."

  "You don't seem like the type to need permission."

  "Good enough." He leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to her lips, his tongue brushing along the opening of her mouth as if asking for entrance. She reached up and locked her hand behind his neck, opening her mouth and sliding her tongue past his. He groaned into the kiss, his arms moving down to encircle her back and pull her up a little more.

  The kiss was hot and wet, his teeth nipping at her lip as he paused to look down at her. Chrissy sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, the sound of them panting with untapped need filling the room around them. Ryan brushed his nose along hers before going in for another long kiss. He used his tongue to emulate sex, the slow methodical licking deep inside her mouth driving her mad. She moaned when he broke the kiss, the word 'more' on the tip of her tongue.

  He released her and moved back, his hand pressing against the front of his towel. "I'm going to have to stop or I'm not going to stop. You're much too delicious to just have one small taste of Chrissy Harris."

  She moved to her elbows, unsure of what to say. She wanted more and yet this wasn't the place or the time. "Help me up. Let's get out of here and get ready for tonight. I need a hot shower.”

  “And I need a cold one." He laughed and moved to help her up, pausing to press his hands to her thighs as she sat up and turned toward him. He moved into the space between her legs and pulled her rear toward him, her body flush against his. His erection pushing against the softness of her body clear up to the middle of her stomach caused need and desire to blossom in her like she'd never experienced before.

  "See what you do to me?" He leaned down and brushed his lips by her neck, stopping at her ear. "Tonight you can tell me no, but you'd better mean it."

  He moved to kiss her softly before moving back, and opened the door. He extended his hand toward her as she worked to get her towel down enough to cover her own intimate spots. She moved onto shaky legs, her hurt knee loose enough to hold a little bit of her weight. With careful hops, she made it past him and into the hall to grab her crutches.

  "Get dressed and I'll meet you up front." Ryan reached over and brushed his hand down her back and over the curve of her butt. "So fucking hot, girl."

  He turned and walked into the men's locker room, his towel dropping just before he turned the corner. Chrissy reached up and pressed her hand to the wall beside her, the perfect curve of his naked ass leaving her gasping softly for air. She turned and pressed her back to the wall, her body aching for him. This wasn't good. A night alone in his father's house and all she could think about was him above her, working hard to make them both explode into nothingness?

  "Shit," she whispered and moved to the women's locker room. Cold shower it was. For both of them.

  He dropped her off at her dorm room, not too many words spoken between them. They had agreed to going to the party and then back to his place, but Chrissy was too consumed in the fantasies that might be played out to really converse over anything. He would pick her up at five and they would head out to Manhattan to her uncle’s house.

  She needed to call Jason, but she hated to face the music. He was likely to be pissed and there wasn't really any way around it. Chrissy walked into the building, the halls empty, the world quiet. Elizabeth was most likely gone, her parents overbearing and controlling from what she could make out. She needed to spend a little more time getting to know her new roommate. The girl needed a friend and Chrissy was more than happy to step in.

  She moved into the room, Elizabeth standing by the window.

  "Oh, I thought you'd be gone." Chrissy let the door close behind her as she moved to her bed, dropping down and sighing loudly.

  "My folks had a big party to go to tonight, so I decided not to head home until tomorrow. The fewest days possible with them is best for all of us." She smiled and moved to sit on her bed. "How are you? I feel like we've been blowing and going, not seeing each other too much."

  "Good. I've been working out my knee at the gym with Ryan."

  "Coach Phillips’ son?"

  "Yeah. He's so much cooler than Jason gives him credit for. He's coming with me to my Uncle's party tonight. Jason's going to be there. You should come with us."

  "I don't know. I don't want to crash your party. I'm good just staying here."

  "You're coming." Chrissy picked up her phone and turned to lie down on the bed. It took a few minutes to get her leg in the right place, but a few extra grunts and wiggles and she relaxed. Elizabeth needed to get to know Jason. Nothing would probably come of them, but he was going to be in her life as Chrissy's roommate for at least the next two years. Her brother would graduate in May, but his Master’s was next on his list of things to do.

  She dialed his number as Elizabeth slipped into the bathroom.

  "Hey. You okay?" His deep voice filled the line.

  "Yeah, just wanted you to know that Elizabeth and Ryan are coming with us to Uncle Marc's."

  The line went silent for a minute. Chrissy held her breath, waiting for the explosion.

  "Ryan who?"

  "Coach Phillips’ son. I've been working out with him this week and he's a cool guy, Jason. He doesn't have anywhere to go, and he's coming with me."

  "Yeah, okay. I don't like it, but I've heard a few things this week that make me think I might have given in to preconceived ideas about the guy. Not sure I like him, but whatever. You and Elizabeth need a ride?"

  "Ryan's picking us up. We'll meet you there at six. You might have to bring Elizabeth back to the dorm when we're done."

  "Where are you going to be?"

  "Ryan's taking me out."

  "On a date?"

  "Yeah, on a date."

  "Awww hell. I was going to give him a chance. Now forget it."

  "Awesome. Love you. See you tonight." She hung up and laughed at the sound of him yelling her name. It was sure to be a fun and overtly adventurous evening. Now... what to wear?


  "This isn't some kind of awkward double date, right?" Elizabeth asked from the back seat of Ryan's corvette.

  "Not at all! Just wanted you to come with us. My brother’s fully aware you’re not interested." Chrissy looked over her shoulder and smiled. The black cocktail dress she wore was fitted, but covered her shoulders and ran down to the top of her knee. Being appropriate in front of her Uncle Marc would still get her teased, but looking less than appropriate – never. Just a shame the dress had to be worn with flats and crutches.

  "You look great," Ryan said as he glanced over at her.

  "You’re not so bad yourself." Chrissy turned back around and turned the music up on the car stereo. "Tonight is about eating and drinking and having a Merry Christmas."

  "Why am I nervous?" Elizabeth sighed soft

  "Because it's not your family. I'm nervous too if it makes you feel better." Ryan pulled the rearview mirror down and spoke at it. Chrissy reached over and slid her fingers along his arm, grateful for his kindness toward her friend.

  "The house is just up here on the left. It's the big red brick one. My uncle makes loads of money, so get ready for the full effects of wealth. He’s nice, just not the sharing kind." She grinned when he had told her and Jason in high school that if they wanted to go to college, they’d have to do it the way he had, earning his way.

  "Just don't leave me alone in there, okay?" Elizabeth leaned up between the seats, the sapphire dress bringing out the depth of color in her eyes. Worry sat on her features, the expression on her pretty face pensive at best.

  Chrissy reached over and patted her friend's shoulder. "I won't. Just stay beside me. Jason’ll be there too, and of course, Ryan. He's sure to be near the TV. Hockey finals are on tonight from what I hear."

  "If nothing else? Sloppy seconds here..." He smirked and turned the car into the long driveway.

  An inordinate amount of Christmas lights lit up the front yard, ushering in the season of celebration in full effect. Chrissy squealed softly, excitement rushing through her. Where she couldn't stand her mother, her Uncle Marc had to be one of her favorite people of all times. He was her father's oldest brother and looked a lot like her dad.

  "Excited?" Ryan pulled up as a valet ran toward them. They got out of the car after Chrissy nodded. She was beyond excited. Due to her injury it seemed like Christmas had snuck up on her. It was one of her most favorite times of the year and yet she had forgotten all about it.

  She moved to the front of the car and waited on Elizabeth, staying close to the other girl as she maneuvered through the small white rocks with her crutches. The front door was opened by another young man in a suit and the sound of holiday music spilled out with the sound of voices laughing and conversing.

  "Drink... now," Elizabeth muttered as they slipped into the foyer.

  Chrissy let her eyes take in the beautiful decorations in the large area. Garland with crimson bows and lights spanned the walls, the smell of pine and cinnamon welcomed and overwhelming. Her Uncle Marc turned from the end of the hall and laughed loudly, run-walking toward them as his voice filled the air. His belly had gotten a little bigger and his hair a little whiter, but he still looked welcoming like her father always had. Emotion struck her hard as she moved toward him, extending her crutches to Ryan, who took them, a smile on his handsome face.

  "There's my peanut." Marc stopped in front of her and scooped her up into a warm hug, her body lifting with his efforts. She groaned softly as she squeezed him back. He lowered her to the ground slowly and reached for the crutches, helping her get them under her before touching the side of her face.

  "Hi, Uncle Marc."

  "Hello, peanut. Who are these fine people you brought with you?"

  She smiled and pointed to Elizabeth and Ryan. "This is my roommate, Elizabeth Carrington. This is Ryan—"

  Her uncle cut her off. "Ryan Phillips! Holy hell!" He vigorously shook Ryan’s hand and then moved toward Elizabeth and extended his hand, his face wide with shock. "Elizabeth, nice to meet you dear. My home is yours. Have a great time tonight and enjoy yourself, dear."

  Chrissy moved toward Elizabeth, laughter erupting from both of them as Marc hurried back to Ryan, his hand extended again.

  "How lucky am I? I've been watching you play for the past two years, boy. You’re a legend at Providence. Jason hates you for a damn good reason." Marc pulled Ryan into a side hug and moved them toward the kitchen. "I'm going to show your boyfriend off to some friends, Chrissy."

  Chrissy laughed, lifting her hand to wave at Ryan as he turned and mouthed 'help' over his shoulder.

  "He's not my boyfriend," Chrissy called after them, but her words fell on deaf ears.

  "Do you wish he was?" Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest as a sly smile lifted her mouth.

  "I'm not sure yet, but I'm thinking that drink you wanted is our first order of business."

  "Count me in too then." Jason's voice caught her attention. She turned a little to see her brother walking toward them from the front door. "Traffic was heinous. Did you guys get caught up in that shit?"

  "We must’ve just missed it." Chrissy shrugged. "Jason, you remember Elizabeth."

  "Of course I do. You look stunning." Her brother smiled softly, his face warm and welcoming like the other men in her family. Elizabeth blushed and moved toward the horde of people at the end of the hall.

  "You don't look so bad yourself." Chrissy reached out and tugged at her brother's sport coat, wishing Ryan would have worn one so she could see him in it. "Be warned. Marc is excited about Ryan and his accomplishments."

  "He should be. The guy’s a fucking beast on the ice." Jason shrugged.

  “Watch your tongue here, Uncle Marc won’t be impressed.”

  Jason covered his lips with his hands. “Shit! I mean, shoot! I forgot.” He glanced toward her roommate. "Let's catch up with Elizabeth. I want to get to know her a little better. Ty gave me tickets to the Pinstripe Bowl. I want to see if she wants to go with me."

  "I got her a ticket."

  "Ask Ryan instead. I want her to go with me."

  "Fine," Chrissy mumbled and moved down the hall with her brother. She lifted up on her good foot to see Ryan in the middle of a group of men, the smile on his face boyishly good looking. His black button down matched the darkness of his features perfectly, drawing her in deep and causing her heart to beat a bit too fast.

  "Go save him. I'll find Elizabeth." Jason turned to go.

  Chrissy reached out to stop him. "Hey... go incredibly slow with her. Nothing but a friendship. She got messed around with really, really bad. Not for me to tell, but you’re not going to hurt her."

  "I wasn't going to make love to her at the bar, sis." Jason chuckled, pulling his arm from her hold.

  "She's been through some traumatizing shit, Jason. I'm serious."

  "Oh. Okay. Watch your tongue, remember?”

  "Treat her like a proper lady. Got it?"

  "Of course. Be careful and holler if you need me."

  Chrissy nodded at him before moving toward the group of guys. She excused herself into the center of the group, standing in front of Ryan and smiling before turning to the group.

  "The hockey star will see you later. He's my date and I'm crippled, so getting a drink isn't happening without him." She winked as they all chuckled.

  Ryan slid his arm around her waist and turned them slowly to move to the back porch. He opened the door and moved back, the coldest of winter pressed back by the large overhead heaters her uncle had installed. "Thanks! I love fans, but I didn’t come here to be popular. Everyone’s excited about what I can do, but never who I am." He moved beside her, leaning his arms on the railing and looking out into the darkness.

  Chrissy laid her crutches down and moved beside him, slipping her arm into his and pressing herself to his side. "I don't care what you can do on the ice. I just need a drink and the chance to stare at you a little longer."

  He laughed and bent down, kissing her hand as it sat on his arm. "I'm just eye candy to you?"

  "Oh you're definitely that, but I'm hoping there is more to you than sports and sex."

  He moved from her grasp and chuckled. "You've yet to see me in action at either. I do believe I could take your breath away with both."

  "Your head gets much bigger and we might have to grease the doors to get you inside." She winked and turned back to the scene before her. "You getting us something to drink, or just going to talk about yourself?" she teased.

  "I sure am. I'll be right back."

  He left and she leaned forward, pressing her chin to her arms, breathing in the fresh air. The moment was perfect, the scene before her and behind her beautifully joyful. Was it a good idea to sleep with someone as powerful as Ryan? He was most likely leaving and when he did,
chances are he would take her heart with him.

  She couldn't do another long distance relationship. They didn't work and her level of trust in men wasn't capable of sustaining such a situation. They could try things out if he was staying, if not... she would have to push back. Being friends would be healthy and safe... if they could remain that way.

  "For the lady," he spoke as he moved in beside her, extending a glass of white wine.

  "Ewww. I hate wine." She wrinkled her nose as he pressed his beer to his lips, taking a long drink.

  "You'll love that. It's moscato. Try it."

  "I'm not going to like it."

  "If you don't like it then I'll not try and seduce you tonight." He winked, leaning against the railing. The tilt of his stance pushed his shoulder muscles up, the masculine slope of his body setting her insides on fire. He might not have to try to do anything. Mission almost accomplished.

  "What if I want you to seduce me?"

  He grinned wickedly. "Then lie about the wine. Say you love it."

  She laughed and lifted the glass to her lips. The sweet smell of sugary grapes rushed across her senses. She let a small sound of appreciation lift from her lips before taking a sip. Her eyes widened as she pulled the glass away. "Wow! Double wow! It's delicious." She took another sip, longer this time, the sweetness almost overwhelming.

  "I told you." He took a step closer, turning her until her back pressed against the railing. "I want to taste it."

  "Go ahead." She lifted the glass to him. He set his beer down, took the glass and set it down too. "I thought you wanted to taste it."

  "I do." He slid his hand into her hair, which hung long and heavy around her shoulders. "On you."

  He leaned in and breathed in deeply just before his lips touched hers. Chrissy reached up and slid her arms around his neck, pulling him down further. His tongue rolled across hers as if lapping at the flavor she held. He groaned and pressed his hips forward, his movement almost making her dizzy. She broke the kiss and slipped her hand up to cover his lips.

  "You're going to drive me mad with that tongue of yours. Not here where everyone can see." She smiled and pushed at his chest with her other hand as he kissed the hand over his mouth.


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